

By Marcus Nispel

  • Genre: Sci-Fi & Fantasy
  • Release Date: 2007-07-31
  • Advisory Rating: Unrated
  • Runtime: 1h 47min
  • Director: Marcus Nispel
  • Production Company: Filmkameratene
  • Production Country: Norway
  • iTunes Price: USD 14.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 72 Ratings


Now get even more action and adventure this special unrated version of Pathfinder! In an untamed, primordial America, 500 years before Columbus will reach its shores, unfolds an epic battle between love and hate that will change one man's destiny and the future of a nation: Pathfinder. This action-adventure saga recreates one of the most riveting, yet never-before-seen, eras in human history – when Viking "dragon" ships from the mysterious Norse lands arrived out of nowhere to invade a pristine North America. Inspired by historical findings, yet forged with the magic and style of a modern graphic novel, Pathfinder comes to life in a cinematic experience filled with intense and primal action.



  • I wonder if Karl Urban regrets doing this movie?

    By Chemg1rl
    This movie was truly awful. The editing was done by a 12 year old with ADHD. There were so many inconsistencies and let's not even get into all the fake blood literally flying every where. What a joke. Karl Urban is one of my favorite actors which is the ONLY reason I finished watching this monstrosity. Karl did a good job with the fight scenes--you can tell he was trained well on LOTR. I can't even say that Karl redeemed this movie though, it was just all around awful. The director of this movie is re-booting Conan the Barbarian. I wasn't thrilled with the trailers of Conan and now I know why. I will save myself $10 and not see that one either. Do NOT buy OR rent this movie! Sorry Karl :(
  • Do not bring your brain to a viewing of "Pathfinder"

    By Megabytze
    Based on the near-unanimous hatred from critics and movie-goers alike, I feel a strange sense of guilt for having enjoyed myself while watching, "Pathfinder." Yeah, it leaves a lot to be desired in regards to visual effects, acting and all-around plot (I know it sounds like I've just defeated my own argument there), but there's something to be said for the way it captured my attention the first time I saw it. Maybe it was the surprisingly fantastic soundtrack provided by Jonathon Elias, or maybe it was the brooding, soft-spoken character of "Ghost" that sucked me in, but either way, Pathfinder is one of those films you can't take too seriously or you'll end up rolling your eyes and/or smacking your head against a wall. It CAN, however, be one of those guilty pleasures you allow yourself to enjoy when you just want to see some pseudo-historical action with multiple bare-chested Karl Urban scenes sprinkled in. In any case, the best chance you have of gleaning any sort of enjoyment out of "Pathfinder" is to have a vivid and flexible imagination; it's what helped me, in the end. :)
  • Karl I need to say anything else?

    By Olmstead1989
    Yes, this movie isn't exactly Oscar worthy and gets a tad boring in places, but that is completely made up for by the fact that throughout pretty much the entire movie, Karl Urban is running around in little more than a loin cloth. Need I say more?
  • Pathfinder

    By JohnRocket
    I read a lot of bad reviews for this film,but I decided to watch it anyway,and I'm glad I did.The visuals are beautiful,and the action is violent and bloody.The only problem was the acting.Overall it was a good movie.
  • I don't get what down-voters don't see

    By Jeff SG
    Cinematography and locations are gorgeous. The vikings actually landed in Newfoundland long before Columbus landed in Hispanola but as it was actually filmed in British Columbia with about the same latitude it's not too far off the mark (strictly more mountainous than Newfoundland). The viking attire isn't really that far off from reality nor are the methods they used. The vikings are speaking Icelandic which is the closest modern approximation to the Old Norse vikings actually spoke. Most scholars think both sound pretty much the same. It was a nice touch and interesting to listen to (I know German and have struggled through enough Old English to recognize the content and sound as being pretty authentic). The story wasn't too surprising but it's sort of a "Last of Mohicans" with vikings. Certainly no worse than that movie in quality really. I enjoyed it. Glad I bought it.

    By MaileyBike
    I remember seeing a trailer for this some time ago, and it was interesting. Now that I've seen it... scratch that, I didn't even make it to the end before rolling my eyes for the last time and stopping it, so I haven't really seen it. Don't buy or rent this, your time is better spent doing just about anything else.
  • I wish I could unwatch this movie.

    By Guamsst
    I knew this movie wasn't going to be historically accurate. But, I never expected to see the knights who say Nih!! coupled with rejects from the cast of Roadwarrior passed off as Vikings. I'm not sure that even things like a plot or actual actors could have helped this waste of film that could have been used to make something entertaining. I want my money back but I would actually pay itunes again if they could arrange for me to unwatch this smoldering heap. If you know anything at all about Vikings, history, Native Americans or saving your money do not rent or buy this. If you just want to see gore and violence, still don't waste your money as most of the action is poorly lit just like the rest of the movie. Speaking of which, had the producers covered this film in gasoline, then lit it on fire, it would have held my interest longer and been more entertaining. As a collector of bad movies I have to say this is one of the worst. Even Plan 9 From Outerspace has a more well developed plot.
