A Man for All Seasons

A Man for All Seasons

By Fred Zinnemann

  • Genre: Drama
  • Release Date: 1966-12-11
  • Advisory Rating: G
  • Runtime: 2h 0min
  • Director: Fred Zinnemann
  • Production Company: Agamemnon Films
  • Production Country: United States of America, United Kingdom
  • iTunes Price: USD 12.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 10 Ratings


Adaptation of Robert Bolt's play about Sir Thomas More, a Catholic statesman in England who rebelled against Henry VIII's self-proclaimed status as the head of the Church of England and paid for his religious beliefs by having his head exhibited on London Bridge.



  • The Finest Film I Have Ever Seen

    By BDub70
    And sure to be rejected by Americans today in a time when standing up against the prevailing winds for what one believes is considered hateful.
  • Masterpiece!

    By CredoinDeum
    This movie is amazing in its writing, acting, and message. One of the best movies ever, and one that is relevant today. Those who do not bend to what "enlightened" society wants to do to the institution of marriage will be treated like St. Sir Thomas and will likewise pay with their lives. Whenever the State claims the right to touch what is God's, the State puts itself above God and thus creates its own religion. Any person who holds opposing beliefs will be viewed as an enemy of the State. Charged with treason and killed just like Sir Thomas. History is already on its course to repeat itself.
  • Great flick

    By Ted6552
    Wendy Hiller is (as usual) BRILLIANT.
  • Must see

    By billdakelski
    27 well deserved Awards including 6 Oscars, One of the best movies ever created. Everything is perfect: acting, plot, direction, continuity, costumes, cinematography, & music.
  • Excellent movie!!!

    By BVMTM
    This movie is as fresh and inspiring as it was when it was first released...and will be for generations to come because the topic is a timeless one. Don't anyone listen to the review from "enemyofrome." His moniker will tell you everything you need to know about him. And besides, if he had done his homework before posting that excuse for a review, he'd have realized how unjust his words actually are. Instead, you get the Catholic-bashing, muddle-headed remarks that are typical of "enemies of Rome." Yeah, buddy...go back and watch "Kinky Boots" again...yeah, THERE's a healthy movie for ya. (...And shame on iTunes for allowing his review through.)
  • sir thomas more is an idiot

    By enemyofrome
    sir thomas more didnt sign a letter so the king could divorce his wife because allegedly it was against his religious beliefs. Yet he did this out of vanity risking the lives of his entire family, in the very least leaving them homeless and without a provider in order not to contradict his faith through a technicality. This man wanted to be a martyr and this film is a glorification of mr mores stand against the kings marriage as if he were some sort of hero when in fact he is one of the most egotistical and vain men in history.
  • One of the 5 best of all time

    By miskatonic
    A masterpiece. Whether you want to watch it for the acting, the costumes, the scenery, or the ideas, this movie is one of the all time great movies. This movie is one of a few that both makes you think while it entertains you. Not too many movies can claim to do both. The religious, ethical, legal, and philosophical ideas expressed in this movie will challenge you. You must see and buy this movie. It is appropriate for young adults and adults. A great movie for teenagers to wathc with parents.
  • Omnium Horarum

    By Desiderius Erasmus
    A Timeless Masterpiece of A Great Man Excellently Portrayed by A Most Gifted & Worthy Actor to Play the Part, namely, Paul Scofield. It's no wonder why this film won several Academy Awards and continues to serve as Inspiration even to younger generations devoted to deeply held principles.
