Calamity Jane

Calamity Jane

By David Butler

  • Genre: Musicals
  • Release Date: 1953-11-04
  • Advisory Rating: NR
  • Runtime: 1h 41min
  • Director: David Butler
  • Production Company: Warner Bros. Pictures
  • Production Country: United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 9.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 2.99
From 177 Ratings


Doris Day is at her best as the roughest, toughest, rootin'-tootin' gal of the wild West, riding, roping and shooting her way through a jamboree of action and hit songs. Howard Keel is her on-again, off-again paramour Wild Bill Hickok, who only begins to realize his feelings for her when she makes a stab at being more "feminine." This classic Warner Bros. musical features a Sammy Fain-Paul Francis Webster score, including the Oscar-winning song, "Secret Love."



  • Hi

    By tootootoooo
  • Best Musical

    By Alex92802
    I remember watching this movie when I was very young, just remembered it and had to buy it! Brings back memories and Doris Day is phenomenal ! Worth the purchase.
  • Rezzy Girl

    By Rezzy girl
    I have always loved her funny movies! This one was my favorite funny movie of all time! And then the other one is called. Move over Darling and of course It happens to Jane! I was sad that she passed just about 4 days ago. She was a great person and a STAR in my eyes! I will miss her! She always made me laugh and happy when I watched her movies!!🐾❤️🐾🌹🐾😢
  • Doris Day-The Greatest

    One of the best passed away yesterday 5-11-2019. At the age of 97. This was one of the hardest most difficult film for her to do, and she did an amazing job on this film. A great entertaining and funny film, that has just about everything. Don’t miss this film, buy it now for $10 for the first time now on iTunes in HD. She was as Barbara sang in Funny Girl, “The Greatest Star” That’s you Doris Day!!!!!
  • Best movie from the past

    By Mazkoth
    I loved this movie when i was young and i love it more when im older showing it to my kids now who fell in love with it immediately
  • One of the best movie.

    By TardisFan99
    Love this movie Doris Day is amazing!
  • Love it!!

    By CowGirl so cool
    I love this movie so much! It's so funny! :D and cute.... ;) <3 I'm not gonna tell u what happens In then end... That's ur job to find out! get this movie!!!! So quit reading this and get it!!! Alright I see ur gonna keep reading.... Well the movie is down right awesome and Doris days in this movie was the best, she did really really good, so ya stop reading this u idiot and get the movie, thanks! Lol :)
  • Calamity Jane

    By Ilovedsk
    This is the best movie ever!!! I love Doris Day! And Bill(don't remember his real name at the moment) is pretty good too... ;)
  • Pookie54

    By Pookie54
    This is the best movie!!!! It is so funny everyone needs to watch it!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Love this movie!!

    By df17
    Howard keel and Doris day are AMAZING!! It's a must watch! :)
