Stephen King's Graveyard Shift

Stephen King's Graveyard Shift

By Stephen King

  • Genre: Horror
  • Release Date: 1990-10-26
  • Advisory Rating: R
  • Runtime: 1h 26min
  • Director: Stephen King 2024797
  • Production Company: Paramount Pictures
  • Production Country: United States of America, Japan
  • iTunes Price: USD 9.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 258 Ratings


From horror master Stephen King comes his most terror-filled tale yet... Gates Falls, Maine. When an abandoned textile mill is reopened, several employees meet mysterious deaths. The link between the killings: all occurred between the hours of 11 p.m. and 7 a.m. the Graveyard Shift. The sadistic mill foreman (Stephen Macht) has chosen a group to clean up the mill's rat-infested basement. But what the workers find is a subterranean maze of tunnels leading to the cemetery and an unimaginable horror that comes alive in the dead of night... (English)



  • Another great horror adaptation of an SK short story!

    By ES the horror fan
    Lots of Stephen King’s short stories have been adapted into horror movies, including several from his first short story collection, Night Shift. This movie, as an adaptation of one of the stories from the book, is wonderfully creepy and fun to watch! It features a great monster which thankfully was created without the assistance of CGI-effects, a creepy setting, good plotting and acting! Any Stephen King fan looking for a great creature feature should see this movie!
  • Stephen King Titles

    By Rah Ethereal
    There are some titles by Stephen King that are missing from iTunes, that I would like to purchase. There is Stephen King's "IT" and "Sleepwalkers." I am a huge fan of iTunes, I can only hope you guys won't let me down.
  • It's ok

    By The headless horseman
    Why doesn't iTunes have the classics like Kristen or maximum overdrive/ or at least pet cemetery but it's stephen king so five stars goes to my mean man Stephen king rock on right next to R.L. stine
  • Cheezy in 2011 but not in 1990

    By Ryanreardon16
    It looks really bad now but thinking and remembering from when i watched this in the early 90s it was scary but its pretty cheezy compared to horror films nowadays
  • IT

    By Sugar rushes
    Y can't i find the movie IT anywhere!!!! In case u don't no IT was a story about a killer clown the book was awesome and i want 2 c the movie. O and I read this book. U no it's supposed 2 b a bunch of short storys. Right. Anyway I'm gonna give it 5 stars not cause the movie was good but because he's an awesome writer. Read Stephen Kings, on Writing 2 find the story of his life.
  • "We will die.....TOGETHERRRR!"

    By None4MeThanks
    That line will always be with me. This is possibly the most entertaining film of horror genre I could find. Now I know there's more, but this one (for me actually) stuck out the most. The idea of a terrifying occurance going on in the apartments is just plain scary to me. The movie has decent acting, no CGI (YES!) and the whole plot itself, it's as if you are one of the heroes. I enjoyed this film, hopefully this review will help.
  • Solid 3 stars

    By Peter@Seattle
    Something about the dingy diners, oppressive work environment, and general hopelessness about the movie is kind of compelling. It's almost as if the movie wasn't even really about the big bat-rat monster, but rather the seemingly endless subbasement floors going further and further back in time. I'm still not sure why the foreman decided to lose his mind in the midst of an undeniable monster attack. The movie has a sweaty, bluesy nihilism that fills a certain niche for me and I still watch this now and again on late, sleepless nights. It might make more sense to look at it like a short story on film then a real movie, where more would be required of it. Yeah the ending is pointless, but I think that's the point.

    By MWinton2
    I love all Stephen King books and most of the movies that are made as a result. However, before rating his movies, several things have to be taken into consideration. First, the year: although the effects in this particular film are not of the greatest quality, it was filmed in 1989 and released the following year. A lifetime before CGI and many other special effects. So given that fact, they are good for what they had technologically. There are so many great Stephen King movies out there that really should be on iTunes for avid fans such as myself. Such movies including but not limited to: Carrie, Cujo, The Dead Zone, Dolores Claiborne, Misery, It, Needful Things, Pet Sematery, The Shining, Salem's Lot, The Stand, Thinner, The Tommy Knockers, etc. Although many were Made-For-TV movies, they were still good nonetheless. Please iTunes, please, add more Stephen King movies for us!! :)
  • "It" syndrome personified

    By Vampman87
    Stephen King movies that involve monsters have a tendanc to suffer "It" syndrome... the monster is hyped throughout the whole movie, and then you finally see it and the result is underwhelming. This movie is the perfect example of "It" syndrome. Graveyard shift is kind of scary until you see the monster, and it all goes downhill from there.
  • weak ending

    By FrednonSped
    this movie starts off like a great B-movie concept, then just doesn't play out story wise. Stephen Macht's character actions just don't make much sense and it brings the story down to an almost pointless conclusion. The creature effects are kept to a minimum, which in a way is good since they are quite cheesy looking. In the end it's a nice build up to a poorly executed finale.
