Permanent Midnight

Permanent Midnight

By David Veloz

  • Genre: Drama
  • Release Date: 1998-02-23
  • Advisory Rating: R
  • Runtime: 1h 28min
  • Director: David Veloz
  • Production Company: Artisan Entertainment
  • Production Country: United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 5.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 114 Ratings


Based on the acclaimed autobiography of the same name, "Permanent Midnight" stars Ben Stiller and Elizabeth Hurley in this emotionally riveting story about a hot television writer who learns first-hand about the dark side of success in Hollywood.



  • Excellent Film

    By DeltaGirlie
    Ben Stiller really gets it done here--convinced me completely that he has experienced the life of a junkie. My favorite thing about this film--as opposed to anything else I've seen in the "dark lives of drug addicts" genre--is the FEAR that Ben Stiller's character feels. It is so palpable at times, so real and so easy to identify with.
  • Permanent Midnight

    By James Portis III
    This movie is excellent...Saw it in theaters when it first came out..Loved it and thought it was a real look into certain hollywood society's...The shooting up in the neck thing really got me...uuugh!! Still a goood movie
  • The Pinnacle

    By Alice B Chambers
    Far and away Ben Stillers finest role. A movie to watch again & again.
  • Stiller is great!

    By Norris f.
    This little heard of movie casts Ben Stiller as a real person. Not only is it a true story but Ben Stiller proved at the time he was a capable dramatic actor. If you liked him in this movie watch him in "Greenberg". He plays another real person with real problems. I prefer him in dramatic roles like these as opposed to the cartoonish over the hill comedy roles he usually plays. I hope he continues making drama as his career progresses as he is a better dramatic actor than many others who have been at it for years. Thanks Ben!
  • Permanent Midnight

    By d'Ellabubbie
    This is life sometimes, the craziness that we get ourselves into and the jacked up things we do while we're in it...good rent.
  • excellent

    By esther43
    prior to this film i had never seen ben stiller in a serious acting role. he was brilliant. i didn't find the film at all depressing. i am now interested in looking into Jerry Stahl's writing.
  • As a a topic

    By BAR88
    Very well done as a movie, As for the topic yes, depressing, but probably the best argument for not doing drugs is a realistic portrayal of what it can do. those put off my reality may want to stick to the Disney channel.
  • Permanent Midnight at the Museum...

    By chiseler
    Mildly interesting movie. I imagine it would have been a better read considering the material. The movie is pretty much all about Stiller's character. Not much for the other players to do. It just touches upon the seedier elements of junkie life, but eventually and familiarly evens out on consoling sentimentality in my opinion. For me the most annoying aspect of the film, and what also dates it, is the use of soundtrack. Where the hell did they conjure up that fetid medley? The music plays as subtlely as a best of nineties club hits infomercial, faded into pre-shoegaze dream ballads (for the "sad moments"). The story could have been played straight, and unsentimental.
  • x5o

    By x5o
    Excellent Movie; you can watch this film over and over again and get more out of it each time. True to life, there are ups and downs and in the end hope. Quick transitions throughout keep the story continually interesting and never boring. Buy this film - you won't regret it or forget it.
  • this is a good movie

    By daisy_flies
    maybe i think this is a good movie because i am an ex-drug addict. i laughed my way through the entire thing... i am still laughing. this movie is not depressing, it is insightful.
