A Very Long Engagement

A Very Long Engagement

By Jean-Pierre Jeunet

  • Genre: Drama
  • Release Date: 2004-11-26
  • Advisory Rating: R
  • Runtime: 2h 13min
  • Director: Jean-Pierre Jeunet
  • Production Company: 2003 Productions
  • Production Country: France, United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 4.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 1,224 Ratings


Near the end of World War I in France, five nearly hopeless men shoot themselves in order to escape the horror of the frontline trenches at the Somme. They are court-martialed under mysterious circumstances and as punishment, are pushed out of an allied trench into no-man's land, left alone to die a horrible death. The fiancee of one of the men, suddenly receives some information that leads her to believe her boyfriend might have somehow been able to escape his prescribed fate. She sets out on a painful and frustrating search for the truth, which also leads her to learn about the absurdity of war, the strangeness of secrecy, and the enduring passion and tenacity of the human heart. Based on the acclaimed novelby Sebastian Japrisot. Nominated for two Academy Awards! Starring Audrey Tatou ("Dirty Pretty Things," "Amelie"), Jodie Foster ("Panic Room," "Contact"), Dominique Pinon ("The Da Vinci Code," "Amelie") and Tcheky Karyo ("Taking Lives," "The Patriot").



  • A Very Long Engagement

    By Medlinks
    I'm a huge movie fan and this is my favorite of all!! An absolute flawless masterpiece. An incredible braid of a love story, war movie, and mystery wrapped in one beautifully filmed package.
  • Indeed

    By Asantekamill
    A very long engagement indeed! They left out the word boring from the title!
  • tres bien, il m'a beaucoup ravi

    By Gtosch
    J'ai enfin decide a le regarder a cause du realisateur et des acteurs.... C'est un film a avoir et a garder (dit donc: Je ne savais pas que Jodie Foster parle bien le Francais la....) Un film rigolot des fois mais surtout romantique: A+
  • A Very Short Review

    By Aprevoir
    Like "Amelie" which has all of the same style and most of the same actors, this film soars far and away beyond the realm of valid criticism, much too focused on the overarching moral that drives every scene to care a whit about what people might think about this or that story device or cinematic technique. If not simply a characteristic result of the team that made it, perhaps this is what will always happen at the nexus between pure art and the going concern of a production house. Motivated by profit to excel, yet restrained by conscience from excess without purpose.
  • Astounding!

    By declen007
    I don't typically enjoy foreign films and I don't like subtitles. This film, however, blew me out of the water! This is a film you could see over and over and over again as if it were the first time you were seeing it. From the cast to the cinematography , it was breathtaking. Can't wait to see this again - 5th time!
  • What great movie making is all about....

    By LivingBetweentheZeroes
    IIf you watch this movie and miss the possibility you are watching genius, it's OK. Jeunet constantly creates an uncertainty in the viewer that makes you ask yourself if you just witnessed that level of detail or beauty or visual overload you thought you did. “Eye candy” is an understated way to describe his movies. Tautou is remarkable. She is like watching a labyrinth unfold. Just when you think you understand the rainbow this chameleon can display, she surprises with another color.
  • Was in French

    By Ned's Nickname
    Basically an ok movie, but in spite of the fact the description said it was in English and the trailer was in English, it was in French with English subtitles. Hadn't really planned on working that hard which made it a bust for the night.
  • Beautiful

    By kha0113
    I wish I had not seen this film, so I could see it again for the first time. It is that good.
  • Amazing and Wonderful

    By Roxypox
    This movie is amazing and wonderful. Audrey Tautou does an amazing job. If you've seen her enchanting film Amelie and loved it you will most likely love this as well as Tautou guieds us along on her painful journey to find the truth of what has happened to her boyfriend. This film is moveing and i just love the style, the coloring and story ! well worth your time!
  • amazing actors

    By iloveadrianbrody
    This movie was amazing! It seemed like it would be a cheesy love story, but it was more than that! It had mystery, passion, sadness, murder, war, and true love packed into one movie. It made me laugh and cry. Gaspard Ulliel is amazing in this and so is everyone else!
