Repo! The Genetic Opera

Repo! The Genetic Opera

By Darren Lynn Bousman

  • Genre: Horror
  • Release Date: 2008-11-07
  • Advisory Rating: R
  • Runtime: 1h 37min
  • Director: Darren Lynn Bousman
  • Production Company: Twisted Pictures
  • Production Country: United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 7.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 342 Ratings


In the year 2056 – the not so distant future – an epidemic of organ failures devastates the planet. Out of the tragedy, a savior emerges: GeneCo, a biotech company that offers organ transplants… for a price. Those who miss their payments are scheduled for repossession and hunted by villainous Repo Men.



  • No midnight cult showings for this grimy and heartless adaptation.

    By Spooky Lore
    All these positive reviews have gotta be trolling. I was hoping to watch the next cult film like Rocky Horror picture show became but.... First, the Repo Man music is...less than catchy. There’s a reason in a world where ‘Time Warp’ still plays, you don’t hear anyone singing or playing Repo Man music. There’s maybe one good, really driven song. The acting, for the most part, is also very bad. The main villain’s three kids are the worst. They’re so cartoony and over the top by design but it doesn’t work. It’s very off putting and I hated their screen time. What I did like was the world they created. Some of the visuals. The backstory and the whole genetics thing. The idea of corporate organ repossession is very intriguing. Yet, even in such a giant world, they barely showed you more than a few streets and a tower. Overall: some moments had me captivated (when you where immersed in the world) but any moment with the bad guy and his kids was just cringe. And the music....I think they could have done much better. There’s a reason it doesn’t have a major cult following as other films like it do. No midnight showings for this film. It had so much potential to reach that point, but my guess is the Repo Man removed its heart and soul, in exchange for special effects.
  • Can’t get enough!

    By thatmorbidredhead
    This movie is honestly awesome. It has an original plot, greatly composed music, and a great cast. I even liked Paris Hilton because they cast her in a role that she could actually tap into. The actors are perfectly suited for their roles.
  • Awful movie

    By Dj_Cj21
    Repo men with Jude Law was way better than this pile of garbage
  • addictive

    By TrippyHippiekid
    Ultimately my favorite movie of all time STILL to this day and i will never think otherwise . such fascinating concept and storyline, and terrance is amazing
  • Musically Mediocre, but Darkly Unique in Feel

    By Twizzled89
    So I'm a huge musical person. I love Pippin, Last Five Years, Sweeney Todd, Cabaret, Chicago, Wicked, Rent, people sing it, I'll watch it. This musical/opera has got to have some of the worst lyrics I have ever heard. That said, for some reason I was riveted. I think storywise, this has a lot going for it if you keep an open heart. The Gravedigger could have had a bigger role/there could have been some romance. Genetic Opera is weird and silly and gross and kind of terrible at moments, but it's also kind of ridiculously fun and emotionally poetic if you think of what it's trying to do. Mad points for trying to be dark and deep. Also Sarah Brightman
  • Rocky Horror for metal fans

    By Tomatoman4534534354
    Repo! is a total cheesefest, but I love it. Featuring: Paris Hilton, 2000s goth aesthetics, operatic drama, comical amounts of gore (this is not for the faint of stomach), several oddly timed comic-book-style digressions, some serious plot holes, and an unexpectedly earnest emotional core. Some of the singing is pretty bad, some of it is terrific. Don't go into this expecting a masterpiece of modern filmmaking, and you should have a great time.
  • Greatest film of all time

    By Babyk2172
    LOVE LOVE LOVE THIS MOVIE!!!! one of my all time favorites!!!
  • best movie ever

    By Nforte
    I watched this movie a while ago, probably when i was in high school. And i just remembered it and it’s even better the second time. The music is great. I’m not a musical person but Repo made me rethink that decision. The plot is even better. It’s not your typical musical where the cast just breaks out into song about random things. It all flows together. Speaking of the cast, couldn’t have been better. I was kind of weary about Paris Hilton being in this movie at first because I don’t think of her as an actress, but she played her part just was well as the others. overall, one of the best movies I’ve ever seen! Everyone should watch this movie!
  • Repo! Is Brilliant

    By Shadowrose666
    A wonderful adventure for the whole fami- Wait. Wrong review. Let's try again. A riveting, gory mess with amazing music and a layered plot! That's better.
  • Why is this not as popular as Saw?

    By Sv3668 Sky
    Is movie is so awesome! From the music to the acting! I think that Repo deserves more credit than any of the Saw movies. Someone get a petition to get this movie a sequel!