Disaster Movie

Disaster Movie

By Jason Friedberg & Aaron Seltzer

  • Genre: Comedy
  • Release Date: 2008-08-29
  • Advisory Rating: Unrated
  • Runtime: 1h 28min
  • Director: Jason Friedberg & Aaron Seltzer
  • Production Company: Rialto Film
  • Production Country: Germany
  • iTunes Price: USD 5.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 65 Ratings


"Disaster Movie (Unrated)" follows the comic misadventures of three buxom non-brainiacs during one fateful night as they try to make they way to safety while every known natural disaster and catastrophic event hits the city. This twisted send-up from the filmmaking team behind Date Movie, Epic Movie and Meet the Spartans pulverizes everyone’s favorite disaster flicks, pop culture icons and public figures with raunchy and outrageous humor.



  • Just amazing!!

    By Moises S.
    Too funny haha
  • Whaaa

    By zee017
    Am I the only one who loved how stupid is was?
  • As advertised...

    By Grantz Detect
    Everyone is whining about how terrible this movie is, but it's just that. Terrible. It's SUPPOSED to be terrible. If you watch it expecting a great comedy, obviously it's going to be total crap. But if you watch it with the expectation that they made this movie to parody modern pop culture and be as terrible as possible, it hits the nail on the head. If you like watching dumb movies, then you might like this. If you're expecting a grade-A parody film, you're gonna be disappointed. I happen to like really stupid movies, so I didn't mind this movie, but others clearly think it's the worst thing ever put out in film format.
  • Tbh this movie is good

    By Imanqer
    I think this movie is funny as hell
  • Pretty bad

    By maddiemad2
    I'm not gonna lie epic movie was amazing. And funny. But this one was over the top. I would not recommend this one to anyone. It is more disturbing then funny. It has about two funny moments and twenty disturbing moments. Do not buy! - Madison
  • Terrible!!!!!!

    By DGK_909
    Worst movie I ever seen in my life. It is so stupid and not funny at all.
  • Ugh

    By Johnawesome6
    I'd get it if I could buy it I'm my going To rent it like an idiot
  • Dear Kim K,

    By hilaryhilary
    No one likes you. Not even your (ex) husband. Kbye
  • Lol

    By I flippy
    This is very funny. The best part is when michel Jackson and chim chim are in the trunk of the mock 5!
  • Worst movie ever!!!!

    By Feyad
    Do not watch this movie
