

By Gordon Douglas

  • Genre: Horror
  • Release Date: 1954-06-19
  • Advisory Rating: NR
  • Runtime: 1h 32min
  • Director: Gordon Douglas
  • Production Company: Warner Bros. Pictures
  • Production Country: United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 9.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 421 Ratings


Humanity confronts its most awesome challenge from hideous hordes of gigantic ant mutations spawned by atomic fallout. A golden oldie and a horror landmark, bristling with tension, thrills, and Academy Award-nominated special effects. Starring Academy Award-nominee James Whitmore ("The Shawshank Redemption") and Emmy-nominee James Arness ("Gunsmoke").



  • sr

    By Jdmfcd
    da.:d dreamterzd daxrzeteedhcfrrytxexy x end fxc
  • The Golden Age of Horror

    By The Real Enigma
    This movie was made back in the days before Hollywood was corrupted by Political Correctness and Ideology, as such it's a great example that movies don't need copious amounts of pointless sex, F-bombs and gross out gore to be a great movie. True the acting does feel stale at the best of times and the whole "women are helpless" theme does make an appearence but hey, it was the 50's after all. Bearing in mind that this movie was made during the begining of the Cold War and fears of Radiation and it's effects were very real, and always preasent it should not be a surprise such fears help shape the overall tone of this movie.
  • Find Nimoy!

    By Ad'Noctum
    Very entertaining 50's monster movie. As an added bonus, you get The Thing, Daniel Boone, Spock, and Santa Claus in one movie.
  • Almost funny

    By Berti2003
    When the ants appeared that's funny.(haha)
  • HD please

    By jlkgenmail
    I'm waiting to purchase Them! when iTunes offers it in HD. We need that superior image and sound to get the most out of our 50's classics!
  • Incredible movie, with a bonus!

    By Thehappylibrarian
    This has got to be one of my all-time favorite B-movies. The acting is what clinches it. James Arness, James Whitmore are terrific. And don't forget Edmund Gwenn as the bug expert and Joan Weldon as his intelligent, not helpless, daughter and colleague. I never miss this classic when it's TV. Be sure to watch for the one scene where the sergeant mentions the military is looking for reports of strange flying objects. Yes, it's Leonard Nimoy (uncredited); another reason this is one of my favorite monster movies. I will be purchasing this movie for my personal iTunes favorite movie collection.
  • Atomic

    By sky_commander
    I first saw this move maybe 35 years ago. It made a stroing impression then, especially Whitmore's (the cop) acting. The reason the film soared above other 50s "B-Movie" type flicks is the total lack of a romantic sub-plot. Yes there is some interplay between Arness and Weldon but only inasmuch as they are two people thrown into a frightening situation.Hollywood would do weell to reduce the obligatory romantic sub plots from their films, especially those that deal with similar situations. A great monster movie and worth renting or even buying.
  • them

    By big screan
    My dad loved the old science fiction and horror movies and got me interested in them when I was a kid. " Them" is one of the real classics. It's fun to see an old film like this once in a while without all the Hi - Tech computer generated special effects. I hope these films will not be lost to the computer generation.
  • Them!

    By ShesAWildflower
    I'm watching this because I saw it on Lilo & Stitch
  • A work if art

    By HeavyScreamZ
    This film just just a classic. It's music is so compelling and well written dialogue blends together with the plot. The atmosphere really sets the tone for the suspenseful feeling you have when watching it. The special effects are pretty cool to. 5/5
