Midnight In the Garden of Good and Evil

Midnight In the Garden of Good and Evil

By Clint Eastwood

  • Genre: Drama
  • Release Date: 1997-11-21
  • Advisory Rating: R
  • Runtime: 2h 35min
  • Director: Clint Eastwood
  • Production Company: Warner Bros. Pictures
  • Production Country: United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 12.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 582 Ratings


Academy award-winning director Clint Eastwood helms this story based on John Berendt's best-selling book examining contemporary events and unique characters in picturesque Savannah, Georgia, following a shocking murder. The most important party of the Savannah Christmas season ends with a bang! when affable host Jim Williams shoots a man to death. The party is over and the mystery begins.



  • Superb

    By Wilbur II
    “This place is fantastic; it's like "Gone With The Wind" on mescaline…” John Cusack as John KelsoKelso:
  • If you want my T

    By nickname...here
    This really is a good film, it’s low rating shouldn’t dissuade you. As always, the book was better (different). Watch it.
  • One of the best films 👏

    By Gamer holdem
    Putting aside Spacys ( coming out ). I've loved this movie for years. I'm so impressed with Clint Eastwoods work here. Every and I mean every character is well developed to the point you feel you know them. There so real. The acting is outstanding!! 👍. Eastwoods daughter is marvelous in this and her singing 🎤. I've had the pleasure of visiting Savanah many times as well as other historical southern places. This is SO REALISTIC of this beautiful city. This movie 🎥 is so worth watching. I'd forgotten how well The young Jude Law did. He's amazing in this as well. There's not 1 slow moment. It's drama,love,suspense and supernatural all in one ☝️. iTunes should put this where you don't have to search for it. This is one you'll want to see again. Side bar here. I learned while in Savanah that the reason so many southern homes there and places like Charlestown have these large floor to ceiling windows. When built in their day there was a door tax- so they didn't want to pay for all the doors and created floor to ceiling windows that most all open up. Awesome architecture style. Love ❤️ this movie. You will too. So if not seen- watch ⌚️. FYI Mercer house is real and absolutely amazing 😉
  • Do it!

    By AngieNoob
  • "Frank" is worth the ticket

    By iDave2
    Roll on the floor and laugh out loud. Too funny. Also good production overall. Clint rocks. Or something like that.
  • Lousy

    By PapaG7
    You would think they would at least try to produce a good movie considering how many people would see it simply based on the success of the book. The movie follows the book in all the wrong ways and breaks ties with book in all the wrong ways as well. The story is poorly developed and not at all cohesive. Definitely not Clint Eastwood's finest work.
  • Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil

    By MFCarney
    After a trip to Savannah, its a must to see this movie and read the book...... They are quite different but compatible. Very well written and produced.....
  • Wonderful casting

    By Quartertothree
    Besides the terrific story, this film has such an excellent cast, not the least of which is Allison Eastwood as John Kelso's love interest. Kevin Spacey is on another plane...fabulous. Those people playing themselves truly enhance the experience. Enjoy!
  • UGA

    By Malcom3
    This movie features one of the most famous bulldogs in history. Uga V was in the movie and on the cover of sports illustrated. But that is not the only thing that makes this movie so great.
  • Great Flick -- POOR encoding!

    By superchief151
    Wonderfully written, acted and shot, BUT the encoding is jerky when the camera pans or there is much action on the screen.
