Donovan's Reef

Donovan's Reef

By John Ford

  • Genre: Comedy
  • Release Date: 1963-06-12
  • Advisory Rating: NR
  • Runtime: 1h 48min
  • Director: John Ford
  • Production Company: Paramount Pictures
  • Production Country: United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 14.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 141 Ratings


Acclaimed director John Ford and screen legend John Wayne team up for what would be their final collaboration in this boisterous, rowdy South Seas escapade. The Duke, Lee Marvin and Jack Warden play World War II navy buddies have made the French Polynesian island of Haleakaloha their post-war paradise. Local headquarters is Donovan's Reef, Wayne's rough-and-tumble watering hole where bragging, brawling, and full-blown misbehavior are the order of the day. But destined to create more turmoil than any barroom fisticuffs is the sudden arrival of Elizabeth Allen, a straight-laced Boston blue blood. She's hoping to locate her long-estranged father (Warden), affirm that he is "not of good moral character," and then assume control of the family's shipping dynasty back home in the States. Suave, debonair Cesar Romero and a sarong-clad Dorothy Lamour add to the laughs – and mayhem – in this tropical comedy treat.



  • Same schtick from the old master.

    By Furutan1
    John Ford was a master, no doubt, but the drunken revels, wild bar fights (each being identical, but with a different cast), corny bravado, etc., which might have been great in the forties and fifties had become very stale by the time that this film came out in 1963. To see something similar (but in a wartime setting and reflecting up-to-date popular humor of 1964) watch the Cary Grant classic, Father Goose. For a good Ford film that includes a serious side (along with the schtick), watch Fort Apache. For a more serious film, watch The Searchers.
  • Donovan's Reef

    By Bridger Bowl
    Great Chrismas show!
  • Rough and Tough Comedy

    By Frank C 66554321.
    John Fords story of a post WWII era pacific island paradise. John Wayne plays the expatriate, reluctant father/husband figure and Elizabeth Allen the fish out of water woman who falls for him with Lee Marvin as the comic relief. Everything wraps up well in this screwball comedy.
  • Donovan's Reef

    By Michidude
    What is the name of the Hawaiian song that is played at the very beginning of the movie. Very Nice. And, I love this movie.
  • A nice movie

    By BHS_T
    I have always been very moved by the Christmas pageant and the arrival of the Three Kings: The King of Polynesia, The Emperor of China and the King of the United States of America.
  • John Wayne

    By loganannr
    The best move ever
  • Awsome movie.

    By One Shot Reviews
    Any time John Wayne and John Ford team up you know its going to be good. this film is no except. Buy it, you well love it.
  • Purchase

    By itunemark
    I would also like to purchase this movie
  • Dovovan's Reef

    By MarilynMoore
    Please make this available to purchase! Thank you ---
  • Classic Wayne Elements set in Hawaii. Good times.

    By StormCry
    Donovan's Reef is a really wonderful excursion for those looking for tropical locales, conflicting characters, romanctic mishaps and good old fashioned John Wayne charisma. For those familiar with the John Wayne comedies like McClintock and the Quiet Man, the climactic "spanking" scene will come as no surprise. This is a family favorite in my house and if you're a fan of the Duke, this belongs on your iPod. Or if you're a Lee Marvin fan too. =V=
