Surviving Christmas

Surviving Christmas

By Unknown

  • Genre: Holiday
  • Release Date: 2004-12-21
  • Advisory Rating: PG-13
  • Runtime: 1h 30min
  • Director: Unknown
  • Production Company: LivePlanet
  • Production Country: United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 14.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 546 Ratings


Drew Latham (Ben Affleck) uneager to spend another lonely Christmas in his own home. Longing for holidays past, Drew travels to his childhood home intending to relive the experience of a family Christmas — unfortunately, his family no longer lives there. This represents only a small snafu to Drew, who offers the Valco patriarch and his wife (Sopranos star James Gandolfini and Catherine O'Hara) a huge amount of money if they consent to pretend they are his parents and that he is a cherished member of the family. This entails participating in Latham family traditions, such as Christmas tree selection and crowded holiday shopping excursions. Though the Valcos reluctantly go along with Drew's requests, Alicia, their eldest daughter, arrives at home and refuses to comply with her "brother's" wishes.



  • Embarrassingly bad...

    By Afurokhan
    I took a chance to see this since I generally enjoy Christmas movies, and this one has a great cast. And usually, I don’t listen to critics. But wow, this movie was just bad. The story was half hearted and the dialogue was weak. Really lazy writing, even for a light holiday comedy. This wasn’t even a goofy slapstick comedy. There are some funny moments, and that’s mostly b/c of Gandolfini. Unfortunately this isn’t enough to save the movie. Movies like this just make you wonder: who gave this movie a green light? I’m usually not this harsh with movies, but it’s best to avoid this one, unless you need a movie solely for background noise.
  • Despite what everyone says this is a holiday classic!

    By AnaAlex
    I love this movie! It’s fun and...yeah it’s fun! I don’t know why everyone hates it.
  • Great movie

    By deee25
    One of my favorites. It has such a different approach and I watch it every year. Is it Oscar worthy? No ! Will you be entertaint ? Yes!
  • Very funny!

    By Qwesddfr
    One of my Christmas favourites!
  • Favorite holiday movie

    By Absolute favorite
    Besides elf this movies is the best. It's funny, cheesy and heart warming. Ben Affleck is awesome in funny roles. At least rent to try it. I watch it every year or if I'm super sad I watch it :)
  • My Most Favorite Movie

    By All Might *
    I have seen thousands of movies and this has been my Favorite by far , and this movie has everything that a good comic family moves needs its got a good lesson as well so 10/10
  • Dfgjkmn

    By Elivos
    One of my favorite movies!
  • One of the worst holiday movies!

    By LilaMoon
    I wish I could get my time back. I thought I watch this movie since its was the season and I had nothing else to watch (and who knows, maybe it was funny I thought). Boy, was I wrong! It was boring, plain and silly. And not in a good way, more in a creepy way where you wonder if Ben A's character is mentally right in the head or just a creep paying people to treat him like a kid/ his mommy and daddy and really believing it. I think it actually woulda made a funny thriller about a creep that cannot cope lol, but it made for a lousy comedy because its unbelievable and plain stupid, not heartwarming either, because for that's its too over the top and the main character lacks personality and intelligence.
  • Love it

    By JLS582
    Cute movie with familiar actors. Must watch!
  • christmas favorite

    By gsrbest
    despite what everyone says, i really enjoy this movie. it's been one of my hoiiday favorites since it was released.
