Babylon A.D.

Babylon A.D.

By Mathieu Kassovitz

  • Genre: Sci-Fi & Fantasy
  • Release Date: 2009-01-06
  • Advisory Rating: Unrated
  • Runtime: 1h 40min
  • Director: Mathieu Kassovitz
  • Production Company: Babylon
  • Production Country: France, United Kingdom, United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 14.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 2,123 Ratings


Get even more sci-fi action in this unrated extended edition of Babylon A.D.! In the darkly futuristic world of Babylon A.D., the rules are simple: kill or be killed. Hard-hitting action superstar Vin Diesel stars as Toorop, a ruthless mercenary hired to smuggle a mysterious young woman from the post-apocalyptic confines of Eastern Europe to the glittering megalopolis of New York City. Hunted at every turn, Toorop spirits his charge across a nightmarish wasteland only to uncover a shocking secret that will bring the entire world to its knees. Eye-popping action and mind-blowing science fiction clash head-on in this hard-edged thriller, where the only rule is survival.




    By TaylorTutton
    Vin is BACK! Babylon A.D. will leave you speechless and wanting more.
  • George

    Podrian ponerla en español tambien seria genial es mi pelicula favorita seria genial si estuviera en español gracias.
  • Whats With the Negativity?

    By Killaps
    This is one of my favorite movies. Sure its low budget and its Vin Diesel for X sake! You can't expect much. But that's really the genius about it. The first scene with VD walking down the arms market with Rza in the background is kick a**. If you don't like this movie your either thinking too hard, or you don't have b@!!s.
  • Sloppy movie

    By Joe-Dan C
    It's just sloppy in ways you don't realize you care about until you've watched it. Plays way too fast & loose with perspective. Cool things that don't really fit get left in. It's not like the Matrix where after you watch it you realize the human battery thing is against Newton's laws. It's more like it just doesn't make sense on a moment-to-moment basis. I'm the kind of person who liked Transformers 2 and Battlefield Earth, and even this was just too sloppy.
  • Riddicks coatails

    By Bad Karma455
    this movie to me was just OK. I honestly think they put Vin in it with some super hybred type riddick meets XXX type,cept no glowing eyes,and no killing guards with his teacup. On a brighter note david twohy has been working with Vin on the third series of the Chronicles of Riddick. This for sure to be the more intense,ultra violent, like pitch black,and not the watered down PG13 version of the first chronicles. If your a Vin/Riddick fan its coming soon! they just finished filming five months of it in Canada...
  • Really? Hate it?

    By Maryah Me
    I never really saw Vin Diesel playing a role in movie like this... I LOVE IT!! And that ending... not what I had expected at all. I love this movie and all that i have reccomended it to have liked it as well.
  • No, Vin is not a great actor, but this is a fun movie

    By DavidInIdaho
    I'm not sure if the negative reviewers watched the same movie I did, but apparently they don't like quirky, fast-paced, slam-bang, sci-fi action flicks. I have watched this film over and over, and enjoy it every time. It's especially fun on a smal iPod screen. If you like the qualities I mentioned earlier, then this is worth the money.
  • A massive swing that misses hard

    By The Pink Drummer
    It absolutely fails to deliver in every aspect.
  • Gotta Love Vin!!!!

    By ShanGirl716
    This movie is awesome... I can watch it over and over again and never get bord. Love you Vin!!!! xoxo
  • Eh... what's that you said sonny, no surround sound?

    By lensart
    An action film without surround sound... what gives? Why does Apple allow film distributors to short change us? The purchase film has DTS with surround... the rental has *#%&* sound.
