Forbidden Planet

Forbidden Planet

By Fred M. Wilcox

  • Genre: Sci-Fi & Fantasy
  • Release Date: 1956-03-15
  • Advisory Rating: G
  • Runtime: 1h 38min
  • Director: Fred M. Wilcox
  • Production Company: Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer
  • Production Country: United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 9.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 953 Ratings


A dutiful robot named Robby speaks 188 languages. An underground lair provides astonishing evidence of a populace a million years more advanced than Earthlings. There are many wonders on Altair-4, but none is greater or more deadly than the human mind. Forbidden Planet is the granddaddy of tomorrow, a pioneering work whose ideas and style would be reverse-engineered into many cinematic space voyages to come. Leslie Nielsen portrays the commander who brings his spacecruiser crew to the green-skied Altair-4 world that's home to Dr. Morbius (Walter Pidgeon), his daughter (Anne Francis), the remarkable Robby...and to a mysterious terror. Featuring sets of extraordinary scale and the first all- electronic musical soundscape in film history, Forbidden Planet is in a movie orbit all its own.



  • Fantastic movie, terrible transfer

    By IUJoe
    This movie was way ahead of its time for imagination of story and special effects. It set the standard for sci-fi movies for decades. Having said that, the transfer to iTunes is terrible. The picture is grainy and looks like a 30 year old VHS display.
  • 🔥🔥🔥

    By shrek liver
    pretty legit
  • Watch this a lot!

    By RavenDF
    Saw this at a drive-in outside Albuquerque, New Mexico, in 1954. We were surrounded by reddish brown arid land and blanketed with a star studded indigo sky; it was a perfect film for the location and I was hooked. I was nine and I've loved science fiction since then. This film was the best Science Fiction film of its time. The depth of the story may be surprising; I certainly didn't get it at the age nine. The Walter Pidgen character sees the truth about the former residents of the planet, the Krell, but cannot see that he too has become victim to what befell them. There is a truth to this film that applies to everyone: there is, within everyone, a selfish, animalistic nature that can destroy all held dear if it is not recognized and dealt with. Quite a statement for a little 1954 science fiction film. Oh, it's is in wonderful color too -- not common for sci-fi back then. No gore, no frantic action. The sound track is amazing, made entirely up of sounds, not melodies, no music. Brilliant and innovative for it's time. I loved the sounds. I loved the monster. I love the film. Yep, this is worth the money.
  • Superlative Sci-Fi

    By Neal Downe
    Ultimately, this movie is a product of it's time, and it shows - but it strives for so much more, and, to a great extent, succeeds. The screenplay is actually quite well written and intelligent (and it owes a great debt to Shakespeare's "The Tempest"), the production design, sets, visual effects and animation are just astounding for 1956 (especially when we venture into the Krell "machine"); it's hampered by stodgy direction and fairly typical 1950's-style acting, but all in all this is still quite the superlative sci-fi, even when compared to the best of what modern technology and film-making has to offer. Oh, and, guys (you male types) - 26-year-old Anne Francis playing 19-year-old Altaira: suh-MOKIN hot, with legs that go all the way to the core of the galaxy!
  • The very best $3.99 you will spend

    By A_Nick_Name
    I am not sure how a movie filmed in 1956 would carry in HD format but you should give it a try - a film buff would know better but I was very surprised at the special effects and imagery in this film. This is a very good movie. If you claim to be a Sci-Fi Fan (I do not) you will love this movie. It was filmed in the 1950's and is much of that time (it can get sappy and emotional - but I am a bitter Xer) - but the topics breached in the movie show the progression of ideas more fully associated with the 1960's. It takes a little while for the movie to pick up and occasionally it hangs - but where the movie takes you is quite a show. The last minute - what is said that sums it all up - I am serious, I still do not quite understand (this movie was filmed in the 1950's, for crying out loud). This movie and its script and ideas are written very well - this is not a Sci-Fi Laser-Beam-Your-Face-Off movie.
  • The Alpha of Sci-Fi movies!

    By Sumule
    I am as captivated and amazed now as the first time I saw this movie. The first movie that incorporated synthesizers invented for the first time in cinema history for this movie to produce the thrilling sounds. The story is brilliant. The cast is out of this world. Ann Francis is a darling. I recommend this movie for young and old. A must see.
  • Ok, but dated.

    By BHuddleston
    I'm sure it was really something when it first came out.
  • The best

    By Atom30
    One of the best of sci-fi movies, a true classic!!
  • A CLASSIC!!!

    By ttrevor68
    I love this movie when I first saw it as a kid in the 1980's and I still love it today. And, how could you not love Robby the Robot.
  • One of the best Sci-Fi in the 1950's & 1960's

    By KKressler
    Nothing would go below this greatest granddaddy of them all! Not unless the movies company would produce this remake of this movies even 10 times better than the original movies themselves. Like the same Robby and all new star casts. Of course, brand new wardrobes and settings, please no cheaply setups! I am hoping to look forward to this newly produce movies!!
