

By Tod Browning

  • Genre: Horror
  • Release Date: 1932-02-20
  • Advisory Rating: NR
  • Runtime: 1h 2min
  • Director: Tod Browning
  • Production Company: Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer
  • Production Country: United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 9.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 1,202 Ratings


Fictional film based on the true life experiences of circus sideshow freaks made in the 1930s. The film was edited for American distribution and banned in England for over 30 years. However, recently, it has taken on cult status for its campy plot and the real circus entertainers who appear in the film. Directed by horror film master Tod Browning.



  • what else can you say?

    By Adamalocke
    Awesome!!!! Only bad thing is wish they could find the unedited version somehow.
  • Very unusual horror movie!!

    By Scrabble81
    A very unusual horror movie! Certainly not appropriate for present political correctness era, fortunately! But from the point of view of movie making, this black & white from 1932 was certainly in advance of its time. A most unique plot and probably decent acting for the period. Not sorry I watched it.
  • Freaks

    By UGA the 2nd
    Its a must have;) a Real Reality Show in a Freaky Way .
  • Freaks

    By Head Maroon
    Sorry, a horrible film! The one star is for the actress who played Frieda.
  • One of my fav. Films ever

    By Sceneweave66
    Very controversial film. It got allot of charm to it, it's also a bit touching. Don't judge people by there cover.
  • We Will Make You One of Us

    By bluedemon218
    I only saw this after seeing this on a list of "Scariest Movie Moments" and as soon as I saw the little bit of scenes I had to see this since it was unlike anything I've seen before. When I saw the movie as a whole this actually did scare me. I have never seen so many people like that in one place and the way they were and the way they chased her in the end.... SCARY. I think the scariest thing was the male midget because everytime the regular people ticked him off that angry face he ended up having scared me. This is by far one of my favorite horror movies... I would reccondmend this more for your TV rather than your iPod.
  • Don't kry Hanz!

    By Stormi G
    Watched this in high school. Love it. Renting it for my other half to view so he knows where all my crazy sayings come from. Bravo Itunes for making it availible!

    By slappywag64
    Even some seventy years since it's initial release Tod Browning's Freaks has lost none of it's potent shock value. A climatic chase scene in the rain with the "freaks' is very unnerving to watch. To have real deformed persons placed in this sort of context nowadays would be unthinkable in today's politicall correct culture, which is exactly the point of the entire film and asks the bigger question: Who is normal? The behavior of some of the 'normal" characters places them far below that of the "freaks". If such a film were made today social groups would rise in the hundred of thousands to protest it. I can't imagine what an audience in '32 made of this film when first released. I am guessing absolute shock and horror that a jadded modern audience cannot comprehend. Don't let a few sillier elements of the film detract from this one of a kind film which is erroneously cassified as horror.
  • Wow, rotten tomatoes finally got something right.

    By HaroldLloyd Lover
    You will either hate it or love it, get it or not. Oh, to be alive when this film was released, that would have been the real treat.
  • One of us, one of us! Gooble gobble, gooble gobble!

    By LaughingGodzilla
    When I was watching Cinemassacre's Monster Madness (a thing that will intrigue monster and horror fans, maybe even give them some good recommendations on which films are awesome) I saw one review for the film called "Freaks". I was interested in this film due to that review and I decided to check it out. I have to say this, "Thank you James Rolfe for introducing me to a great film." With that out of the way, here's my review of this movie. This film is great because it starts with a great opening title (it looks like a poster, then being ripped off the screen), great question to be answered at the end of the film, great acting....especially for the sideshow performers (who weren't fakes....they were real sideshow performers!), and a great story. The climax at the end of the film is something that definetely would have shocked audiences in the 1930's. I am actually surprised that it was banned in the 30's due to people thinking it was making fun of people with deformities. That ban was a misjudgement because the film is saying that the deformed people are the good guys and the normal people are the bad guys. It is all around a great film, but what can you expect from Dracula director Tod Browning? So, check it out.
