Dennis the Menace

Dennis the Menace

By Nick Castle

  • Genre: Comedy
  • Release Date: 1993-06-25
  • Advisory Rating: G
  • Runtime: 1h 35min
  • Director: Nick Castle
  • Production Company: Hughes Entertainment
  • Production Country: United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 12.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 1,475 Ratings


An exploration from within a child's imagination of a carefree world where neighbors still look out for one another, kids have hearts of gold under grimy overalls, and a friendship between a young boy and his cantankerous neighbor offers warm and comical surprises.



  • Meh

    By paris177
    This movie was more irritating to watch than entertaining
  • Quiero la película en Español

    By Tu Papucho...
    Quiero la película en español
  • meh

    By gianna lucchi
    this is a great movie don’t get me wrong, but there is such a terrible lack of diversity that it really is kinda hard to watch.
  • Dis succcccccccc

    By kjellburg
    lol this movie is crap
  • Dennis!!!!

    By Seances 666
    Great movie best Dennis since original tv show
  • Technical problems. Wasted my money

    By Shaanii22
    I bought this movie and the first night it was good! Good quality everything but I ended up falling asleep and wanting to finish watching it the next day. To my disappointment, the movie would not let me open it, load, download anything. Idk if it has anything to do with the movie itself or is it a iTunes problem but I do know I wasted my money. VERY DISAPPOINTED!
  • GD Wading Pool!

    By dustyjacobs
    I like the wading pool part
  • A Classic That Never Gets Old!

    By Jeffrey92r
    This movie is a must have and is great for the whole family. I first saw this movie when I was five years old and found it to be hilarious! To this day, I find it to be just as entertaining and hilarious! You won't regret purchasing this movie.
  • Fun movie for the kids, but...

    By 0g0p0g0
    The transfer to HD is so poorly done, I can't believe this is being offered as a commercial product.
  • oldie but a goodie

    By Reem1541996
    movies nowadays should learn from this movie and other old movies! its hilarious, entertaining and suitable for all ages, this movie might not have all the new technology but it sure is better than many so called “comedy” movies nowadays. i tend to always get distracted when watching movies but you know its a GREAT movie when you don’t touch your phone. what makes this a great movie is lack of inappropriate scenes, drug and alcohol usage, and bad language. it indeed fits under the category of “comedy” and family friendly, the actors are great, the jokes are hilarious and they are not trying too hard! they were natural!
