Night Watch  [2005]

Night Watch [2005]

By Timur Bekmambetov

  • Genre: Action & Adventure
  • Release Date: 2006-06-20
  • Advisory Rating: R
  • Runtime: 1h 54min
  • Director: Timur Bekmambetov
  • iTunes Price: USD 6.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99


Set in contemporary Moscow, Night Watch uncovers the other-world battle that upholds a 1000-year-old truce between the forces of Light and the forces of Darkness. For centuries, the undercover members of the Night Watch have policed the world's Dark Ones -- the vampires, witches, shape-shifters and sorcerers that wage treachery in the night -- while the Dark Ones have a Day Watch that in turn polices the forces of Light. The fate of humanity rests in this delicate balance between good and evil but that fate is in jeopardy…


  • Wanted to like it, tried to like it.....but it was incredibly disjointed and lame

    By Cee2010
    I love a good vampire, good versus evil, light versus dark story But this one was pretty stinky Check out something else Unless you're stuck home sick or something and there is literally nothing else on
  • day watch

    By mooters
    Saddly but true why did you screw? US?????????????????????It says language [ENGLISH] but it is sub-titled english! CLEARLY I-TUNES has squeaked out another large amount of money from us.#$%^***Seiously disapointed & would like an apology & CREDIT or a REFUND!!!!!!!!!! SERIOUSLY.Lets here from the rest of you guys&gals.Something should be done about this blatent [rip-off] really peved in St. Paul,MN.
  • Surprisingly good

    By StephanM
    Night Watch is a visually stunning twist on a genre of movie making that is almost cliche. The Dir. & Pro. of this film are true visionaries. The story follows a logical path but gets quite involved. Its easy to miss things. Another thing I love is use of non-mainstream actors. At least not mainstream in the U.S. There were some pleasant surprises. The action is good & suspensful. The story is well written. Great history explaining where you are in the story. And then there is the graphics... stunning. Absolutely spectacular! Enjoyable film.
  • People stop rating these movies because you read the books. Rate it on its own merits.

    By DidgitX10
    This movie was just this side of SUCKED. I gave it the benefit of the doubt, and watched it's follow up, Day Watch. These movies make me want to cry their so bad. I watch everthing that has to do with Vampires, Werewolves, and Aliens. I'm hoping you don't waste your money the way I did. Big waste of time. I give it a 2, I give Day Watch a 1. This has nothing to do with subtitles or dubbing. The story lines, acting, and special effects all make for a dissappointing watch. People keep talking about the books being good, The movies are a different story.
  • Follow the Lightness or stay in the Dark Forever...

    By iChad1741
    This maybe a movie filmed in Modern Day Moscow, with a fairly new director...But this movie is something that should be talked about! America is not the only country who thrives for the fighting of Dark Vs. Light, it is worldwide and has started to strech across the globe. This movie is a remarkable movie for the small budget that they were given to film it and it is fantastic. Once you watch this, you have to watch Day Watch. -iChad
