Death of a President

Death of a President

By Gabriel Range

  • Genre: Drama
  • Release Date: 2007-04-03
  • Advisory Rating: R
  • Runtime: 1h 36min
  • Director: Gabriel Range
  • Production Company: Borough Films
  • Production Country: United Kingdom
  • iTunes Price: USD 4.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 75 Ratings


Winner of the International Critics' Prize at the Toronto Film Festival, Death of a President is conceived as a fictional TV documentary broadcast in 2008, reflecting on a monstrous and cataclysmic event: the assassination of President George W. Bush on October 19th, 2007. The "documentary" artfully combines archival footage and carefully composed interviews presented in a respectful and dignified manner. The film doesn't advocate violence; rather, it shows its' pernicious effects. It is exciting and questioning, and it offers viewers a riveting story -- creating a provocative political thriller that reveals larger truths.



  • Quit your whining

    By Bob2296
    You right wing nutjobs, this is a good movie. Stop complaining just because the president that just happened to be in office when this film was made was a republican!!!
  • Utterly tasteless

    By Ryan74
    Are you serious?! A movie about the potential assassination of the then-incumbent President?! You Hollywood leftist loonies need to really take a step back and evaluate your level of common decency and judgement. I will assume a sequel featuring Barack Obama will not be coming out anytime soon...
  • Its not for ANYONES side!!

    By AdifahD.
    Rather it demonstrates the sadness this nation will once again experience if we arent careful! Violence and assasination are never justifiable in a true civilized nation! Thank God we have Obama now so that our country is once again the beacon!! But sadly there are nuts who want him hurt! So this film is still relevant and a must see!
  • well

    By hopinit
    did'nt we get enough of bush
