

By Alfred Hitchcock

  • Genre: Thriller
  • Release Date: 1964-07-11
  • Advisory Rating: PG
  • Runtime: 2h 10min
  • Director: Alfred Hitchcock
  • Production Company: Alfred J. Hitchcock Productions
  • Production Country: United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 14.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 1,136 Ratings


Hitchcock creates a masterful psychological thriller about a compulsive liar and thief (Tippi Hedren), who winds up marrying the very man (Sean Connery) she attempts to rob. When a terrible accident pushes her over the edge, her husband struggles to help her face her demons as the plot races to an inescapable conclusion.



  • Hitchcock

    By Juliofrank83
    After having seen The Birds and Psycho in high school, I decided to watch Marnie yesterday afternoon, which is based on a book. Hence where the ideas for female characters came from in 90s movies!
  • worth every penny for Alfred’s movie

    By Liam1989323
    I aint no expert of criticizing films. always give me goose bump and thrill for revealing the truth at the end of movie. thats what i like the most about AH’s movie. master piece!!
  • Error!

    By Andrew Pledger
    Ok so I rent Marnie and with 30 minutes left the screen goes black! Then something pops on the screen that says (mpav error 3)! I turned my device off completely and then turned it back on!! It still said the same thing! Then I redownloaded it and it took 8 1/2 hours to download and then it was about finished downloading and then it decides to stop and then redownload again!!! I only had thirty minutes left and now I'm cliff hanging!!
  • Marnie

    By MizWina
    Mama and I never missed Marnie when it came on television. I'll be thinking about her while watching it :-)
  • Good one

    By Edward (metroid fan)
    I admit, tippi did awesome in this Alfred Hitchcock movie, I like this, boy I have a collection of Alfred Hitchcock from iTunes, I enjoy it!! :)
  • Stunning! Amazing!

    By keep_it_fresh
    I have never really been a huge fan of odl movies--but this movie was brilliant. It had just the right amounts of suspence, thrill, film noir, and romance all in one! Tippi Hedren is amazing--the way she emotes is just stunning and captivating. I can't say enough about this film. It is just THAT good. Sean Connery is masterful in his performance as well--'nuff said!
  • Marnie

    By floridabob38
    Last saw it in 1964. "Birds" in 63 overshadowed "Marnie" back then. Not now. I can better appreciate how great this film really is. Hedren's acting is outstanding, Hermann's music at it's dramatic best and of course Hitch is masterful!
  • Tippi is Marnie

    By itsroxy928
    One of Hitchcock's best films in my opinion. Great casting, amazing acting, and a storyline that keeps you on the edge of your seat.
  • Marnie (3.5 mics)

    By 400 barz
    Following the hype and commercialized success of The Birds, Hitchcock began production on Marnie immediately following The Birds public release into theatures. Although halted a few years prior to the production of 1963's The Birds, Marnie has been a project that Hitchcock always had an interest in adapting to the screen. Marnie, inevidably has a few notable flaws regarding it's adapted screenplay yet essentially brings out the best in Sean Connery's performance and Tippi Hendren's as well. Marnie most evidently involves a great deal of complexities regarding the psychology of Tippi Hendren's character (Marnie), and as the film's emotional story unfolds it essentially evolves into an emotional story involving the horrors of an isolated childhood and a somewhat graphic incident. As like the majority of Alfred Hitchcock's films are, this ranks to be one of the most visually optimistic films I've seen of his; yet every great film has a story worth telling this story tends to fall short.
  • Too too underrated

    By Makelovewithmycoaton
    Very misunderstood, thankfully rescued by Robin Wood. Watch it, be mesmerized by it.
