

By Alejandro Gomez Monteverde

  • Genre: Drama
  • Release Date: 2007-10-26
  • Advisory Rating: PG-13
  • Runtime: 1h 31min
  • Director: Alejandro Gomez Monteverde
  • Production Company: One Media, The
  • Production Country: Mexico, United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 5.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 93 Ratings


One Moment Can Change Your Life Forever. An international soccer star (Eduardo Verastegui) is on his way to sign a multi-million dollar contract when something happens that brings his career to an abrupt end. A beautiful waitress (Tammy Blanchard), struggling to make it in New York City, discovers something about herself that she's unprepared for. In one irreversible moment, their lives are turned upside down...until a simple gesture of kindness brings them both together, turning an ordinary day into an unforgettable experience.



  • The Other Side of Us

    By 2QUT2BSRT8
    Eduardo, con esta película ha mostrado q a parte d los personajes latinos en películas d Hollywood (generalmente narcos, asesinos, tramposos, etc) Q podemos ser el Protagonista, el héroe, hombre/mujer d negocios, bondadosos, etc y q también producimos y dirigimos películas excelentes y con lecciones d vida como esta... Great Film
  • This is a beautiful movie

    By Barbara16
    I have seen this movie so many times and love it every time. my friends are actually in the subway scene.
  • So predictable and totally unbelievable

    By Bowral13
    This story could have been told in about 30 minutes. It waffled on with little substance and ended with a nigh impossible to believe scenario of a woman giving up her daughter to a virtual stranger to be raised for the first 4 years of her life. Really? To think it garnered such attention from film critics beggars belief.
  • Amazing!

    By ClauBR13
    Truly Amazing Movie!!! I can't wait for the companies future projects
  • A must watch!!!

    By german1978
    What an amazing story, full of hope in an uncertain world. One of the best movies I've ever seen!
  • Lovely

    By WhimWhim1918
    I loved this movie ...that's all I can say just a beautiful story. And the actors were amazing Eduardo was really and truly inspiring in this film
  • Bella

    By Precious Life
    Heart warming story about CHOICES, that everyday people can make. It's about the dignity of EVERY human life.
  • Surprising

    By paulmbrandt
    I had no idea films of this quality were still made. The acting was the best I have seen in a very long time, and the story was great. The most shocking thing is that this is a movie where I found none of the anti-morality agenda that Hollywood pours into even children's movies these days. I would feel comfortable watching this movie with anyone....sorry to say that's not true about many other films.
  • Once Again a great film that gets rated low by the "professionals"????

    By Ripleymovieguy
    Lovely and very well made and acted! If you value a great film no longer follow what the critics say at all, not even a little! They rate the great gems low and the pretentious hollywood crap high! Imagine that! Check this film out. If you value a great film and story and good acting you will not be disappointed at all.
  • Great...

    By lovaofmuzik
