2001: A Space Odyssey

2001: A Space Odyssey

By Stanley Kubrick

  • Genre: Sci-Fi & Fantasy
  • Release Date: 1968-04-02
  • Advisory Rating: G
  • Runtime: 2h 28min
  • Director: Stanley Kubrick
  • Production Company: Stanley Kubrick Productions
  • Production Country: United Kingdom, United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 7.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 11,704 Ratings


A pair of astronauts heads to Jupiter to investigate a radio signal sent from a mysterious monolith on the moon, but their tranquil trip is endangered when their on-board computer begins acting oddly. The simple plot of director Stanley Kubrick's inspired space adventure (co-scripted with noted science fiction author Arthur C. Clarke) belies the profound philosophical implications of this classic film, which inspires viewers to ask questions about the nature of advanced civilizations . . . and of human consciousness. Nearly half a century after its release, the film's groundbreaking special effects are still breathtaking, and its ending still mind-bending.



  • Beautiful, well dont movie but the best?

    By hankbear
    While I found some of this movie astoundingly gorgeous to watch. The fact that the only character development is the iconic Red Dot eye of HAL 9000 should tell you something. Yes it takes a very mystical and obscure look at evolution and man. You simply don't care about the characters. HAL easily has most of the dialog. So while this may be a masterpiece of movie making it is not a masterpiece of storytelling. Every shot is a museum piece. Stunning in every sense of the word. But what the movie does for film making and effects, it doesn’t do for compelling story telling and character development. You simply don’t care about the characters nor do we know why (until another movie) know what is up with HAL who never ever EVER made a mistake. A solid YES for looks and effects. A MEH for caring what happens to the people. Read the book if you want to make a connection to the people and their lives.
  • Hello !!!! Snowflakes-

    By KDWhit
    Watch the whole Movie, don’t listen to the Snowflakes., they have no patience to get through a MASTERPIECE !!! Stick with it, you won’t be let down. Great Movie.
  • Miserable

    By Spillerz1
    Miserable movie all around. Even if it was, so called, “before it’s time”.
  • Masterpiece

    By Tyttrdfhgdsdtujhgfdssdghjnh
    This film was before Star Wars actually this film might be better than Star Wars, this Hollywood film actually has space travel more correctly than other films, and the models of Star Wars are mediocre compared to the 55 foot model of the discovery and the centrifuge.
  • A masterpiece of the golden age

    By Nicholas becerra
    2001 A Space Odyssey is a masterpiece beyond brilliant filmmaking and sound design. The film looks gorgeous and well-written characters that have interactions and relationships with, though 2001 is the golden age of cinema because movies now in 2020 is straight to garbage Hollywood stupid and back then Hollywood didn't have the style or technology to make movies out of a green screen or CGI effects. Importanly 2001 used pratical visual effects which were common back then in the 60's and 70's but now visual effects are stupid slock or big. But never in a million years 2001 has been a cinematic exprience to explore. I get that people don't understand the concept or premise of this film but normanly films like (A Clockwork Orange, Under the Skin or Inception) people should understand because they have certian good directors who look through the script and make it look real and neat as possible. 2001 is the prime example of how visual effects are made and this film looks incredibly beautiful in scale, Space itself is mindbending and a odyssey to explore through what Stanley Kubrick tried to do is explain human emotions, evolution and mankind's fate. And Kubrick taught that structure of conecpt very well, the best part of the movie is the beginning sets the tone for the entire movie with that epic soundtrack is beyond fantastic and fits with this film. The cinematopgraphy is fantastic, beautiful and this movie has great locations, good opening for the dawn of man which was the best part of the movie because apes needed to learn and grow and think as a human and now living in a wasteful environment space is the quite place in the universe. The actors were great but i understood these characters as friends and workship partners expect the space shuttle has beautiful rooms and up side down locations which were distracting and annoying but it's space no one can hear you scream. If 2001 A Space Odyssey were released today i think people who hate the movie because it's hidden behind a green screen or it's to boring for them because that's what i got from the critics. The movie would be 3 hours long and have different set of characters that have no interactions or friendship going around it's because we live in a hateful culture were movies are rejected from critics, people and the news. But 2001: A Space Odyssey never fails at being a overlong masterpiece that has fantastic and beautiful locations and stunning visual effects, 2001 will never disappoint you because the music and visual effects, good storytelling, great characters are all over the place and that's what makes cinema so complex, confusing, entertaining, well written if there romance, action, thriller, drama, comedy, sci-fi or music you will still enjoy any movie beyond recozingation and beautiful mind sets for your opinions and don't say 2001 is a boring movie because you know what you were probaley looking down your phone anyway i highly recommed this film it's fantastic and visualy stunning at every level.
  • Best science fiction film

    By GameExploit
    2020 still great
  • Goat

    By Big zuessssayyyy
    Watched this cus I heard the visual were cool oh willy nilly this movie is probably the best one ever made bro you can watch this with no audio and it’s still powerful

    FRIDAY FEBRUARY 1 14 (2020)
  • Immortal art

    By Devilaxe
    Loved symbolism and opportunity to think about what this film is about. It does rely on visual storytelling more than dialogue and makes you actually think about what you see.
  • 4K sweetness....

    By Hatter60
    All I can say is buy this masterpiece....it has never looked or sounded better.Thanks iTunes!
