The true story of Graeme Obree, the champion cyclist who built his bicycle from old bits of washing machines who won his championship only to have his title stripped from him and his mental health problems which he has suffered since.
By Person of Few Words
Another cycling great tale.
By griffin815
If you are a cyclist at hear you will love this movie just as much as American Flyers and Breaking Away.
Just a fantastic story or triumph and the human spirt.
Sure to become a classic over time. An iTunes MUST SEE!
By daddybloggerdotcom
An excellent movie overall and is sure in inspire. A true story of a cyclists battle against the norm in cycling and also his own personal depression. You don't have to be a cycling fan to enjoy this one...the acting is excellent, the story is true and the victory over depression and cycling world records will be heartfelt. A MUST SEE on iTunes.
Great movie!
By TheHillTamer
This is an excellent movie for the cycling fan, and non-cycling fan. I think everyone can appreciate this movie. Jonny Lee Miller plays the role of Obree perfectly!
By globalgirl816
I really liked this film! Encouraging story about a Scottish amateur cyclist Graeme Obre, who broke the world record using a bicycle he designed -defying the odds.
Flying Scotsman
By Briacol
Great sleeper of a moving. An endearing story about one man's battles with depression and his attempts to
run away from then. In the end he seemingly reconciles these personal demons and apparently goes on to lead a rather normal life.
An enthusiastic two thumbs up!
Graeme Obree
By BigTig000
Good movie. Could have been better but all in all I give it a 3 star. Worth watching, no doubt.
Great movie; great story
By CopperOpa
Great movie of a compelling true story of Graham Obree and his challenges physically, competitively and mentally. If you love to ride your bicycle, you will love this movie.
For those who 1) dream BIG, 2) work hard to materialize the dream, and 3) desire recognition for their work. Movie might reduce your pharma expenditures.