The Russia House

The Russia House

By Fred Schepisi

  • Genre: Thriller
  • Release Date: 1990-12-19
  • Advisory Rating: R
  • Runtime: 2h 3min
  • Director: Fred Schepisi
  • Production Company: Pathé Entertainment
  • Production Country: Soviet Union, United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 14.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 297 Ratings


Alcoholic book editor from a bargain-basement publishing house in Great Britain, "Barley" Scott Blair (Sean Connery), would rather be drinking in Lisbon than attending a book dealers' show in Russia. To his surprise his boozy holiday ends early when CIA agent (Mac McDonald) pays him a visit. It seems that through a book show intermediary the CIA has received a package from Russian book editor Katya (Michelle Pfeiffer) that contains remarkably detailed notebooks written by a cynical Russian physicist named "Dante" (Klaus-Maria Brandauer). The notebooks illustrate the jocularity of Russia's nuclear threat: Russian rockets "suck instead of blow...and can't hit Nevada on a clear day," in the harsh words of CIA Agent Russell Sheridan (Roy Scheider). Unsure of Dante’s motives in sending the notebooks to Blair and questionable about the end of the nuclear arms race the British Secret Service decides to send Blair to new Russia to meet Katya. His objectives: to assess new Russia's involvements in the old Cold War and to verify the authenticity of the notebooks.



  • Blurb author never watched the film (embarrassment)

    By Alec Leamas
    Read the blurb for this film. It’s laughably polluted with mistakes... First, Barley never attended the Moscow Audiobook fare because his “aunts canceled the match,” (read the book) and pulled his funding for the trip. Second, Bob of the CIA in Langley, Virginia doesn’t “pay him a visit”, the operation is being run out of The Russia House in London, which is how the book and consequently the film got its name. The CIA only received the package (the manuscript) by way of Niki Landau who passes it on to the Foreign Office (again, read the book) who then passes it on to British Intelligence. Only once the manuscript is obtained by The Russia House, is the CIA brought in to observe the operation to locate Barley in Lisbon. Next the manuscript doesn’t “...illustrate the jocularity of Russia’s nuclear threat”, it comprehensively exposes the system of lies the Soviet military industrial complex maintained to try and stay in the arms race with the United States: “The soviet knight is dying in his armor. He can start a war but cannot win one.” Finally, Blair’s objectives never kept up with those of The Russia House when trying to establish the authenticity of the notebooks —not once he realized Katya and her family were in danger. Again, if you’re going to publish blurbs this bad online, hire someone who actually bothers to watch the film (and give a raise to anyone who takes their job seriously enough to read the book).
  • Movie is good but sound out of sync

    By Ryan13105
    Need to fix the sound. The lips move after they speak. It slowly gets out of sync as the movie goes on. Contacted iTunes who agreed there was an issue and said they should have it fixed in 3 weeks.
  • Very fine film

    By JABean18
    Another great spy story from the Cold War era by John LeCarre. No one does a better story from that period of time. But when oh when will it be issued in HD?? It surely deserves HD issuance. This is the only spy film from a LeCarre novel which has not been releases in HD.

    By Person of Few Words
    This is such a good movie with a compelling story and great acting to go along with it.
  • Rental copy?

    By londonlady2
    I would happily purchase if the syncing problems were fixed and there was a rental copy.
  • Very good movie but sound out sync.

    By Bishop7
    The copy of this film I bought had the video and sound out of sync during some long conversations close to the middle. It was very noticable and made it hard to focus. Sent a problem ticket in and got a refund but no notice of it having been fixed after a couple of months. The movie itself is very interesting though slower paced than what many expect from spy thrillers. I would rate it 4 stars if the sound problem were fixed.
  • Absolutely Brilliant

    By kidmustard
    Who better to bring John LeCarre to the big screen than Tom Stoppard. This is an absolutely brilliant piece of work. Proves what GREAT writing can do for an already GREAT story. Connery and Pfeifer aren't the only people who give marvelously wonderful performances in this film, Roy Scheider, John Mahoney and James Fox (among others) are truly genius! A must have for anyone who appreciates beautiful artwork in film-making.
