Repo Man

Repo Man

By Alex Cox

  • Genre: Action & Adventure
  • Release Date: 1984-03-02
  • Advisory Rating: R
  • Runtime: 1h 32min
  • Director: Alex Cox
  • Production Company: Edge City Productions
  • Production Country: United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 14.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 614 Ratings


The explosive, action-paced cult classic returns in this all-new special edition. Emilio Estevez and Harry Dean Stanton star as "repo men" who get caught up in a series of bizarre adventures involving G-men, a nuclear scientist, UFO cultists and revolutionaries. Put your seat belt on and enjoy the wild ride in this groundbreaking, punk-rock, sci-fi black comedy!



  • u betta think

    By Parallax Condor
    sound lik ppl want tha soundtrack hahahahahaha lol lol hahahahahaha
  • Very weird but entertaining movie

    By Coolrockkid
    This movie is weird but it has an entertaining and feel-good,indie movie vibe to it. I highly recommend.
  • Don’t Believe the Reviews

    By Freder_58
    For literally decades I’ve been hearing about how good this movie is. Don’t you believe it! This is one of the lousiest pieces of crap I’ve ever seen. Not one single likable character, nothing happens in its whole runtime, this is a movie by a no-talent punk who thinks he’s being funny. I fell asleep on it twice. Seriously, I don’t understand how anyone could like this drivel. Thank goodness I bought it on sale. Deleting — never, EVER want to watch this piece of crap again. As it is, it’s time and money wasted that I’ll never get back.
  • A Real “Killer” B Movie (one of 237!)

    By D. Scott Apel
    This review is an excerpt from my book “Killer B’s: The 237 Best Movies On Video You’ve (Probably) Never Seen,” which is available as an ebook on iBooks. If you enjoy this review, there are 236 more like it in the book (plus a whole lot more). Check it out! REPO MAN: It’s a movie about synchronicity—“this lattice of coincidence that lays on top of everything,” Miller “explains.” It’s a legitimate cult classic. It’s the first punk movie, and might be the first post-modern quantum physics film, as paths crisscross in an intricate interweave of meaning (and lack thereof). It’s an original: an intense action movie on acid, full of razor-sharp cynicism, comedy as dark and edgy as death, and brilliant dialog. Everyone in this movie is nuts; there’s no center of sanity to anchor us—so just go along for the weird, warped, wild ride. Of course it makes no sense, even while seeming to—just like most dreams.
  • Itunes weekend movie guide featured.

    By Eduardo
    Classic early punk cult movie. Great look at Los Angeles during the early 80's. Funny satire that lasts the test of time!

    By Dudedoneit
    One of my all-time favorite movies, all of the lines are just classic. But, I want my SOUNDTRACK!!!!!
  • lets go do some crimes

    By your grandpaw
    one of many awesome lines. this is a classic, just watch it.

    By Person of Few Words
    Its fun, its entertaining, its a blast. It was different, and that is why it rocked.
  • an epiphany

    By frinkle
    It makes no sense. Its resolutely odd. Mostly you sit there and enjoy it. Most films are made by the banality of ego and end up a mammoth stew of clichés begging for relevance and recognition before sinking into obscurity. This movie could give a f what you think about it. Its cool, a bit dumb in a fun way, and will make you grin. It has its own story and will not be abiding by the aristotelian unities. If we were smart we would all stop watching movies that try to tell us how smart we are and start watching movies like this.
  • Repo Man

    By Mubbo the Hyena
    where is the soundtrack??????????????????????????????????????????????????????
