Bomb It!

Bomb It!

By Jon Reiss

  • Genre: Documentary
  • Release Date: 2008-05-27
  • Advisory Rating: NR
  • Runtime: 1h 33min
  • Director: Jon Reiss
  • Production Company: D & B Films
  • Production Country: Hong Kong
  • iTunes Price: USD 7.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 3 Ratings


Bomb It is a wild ride into the heart of the global graffiti culture where the love of art and ego clashes explosively with law and order. On top of a fresh soundtrack of punk, hip-hop and funk, this high-octane film explores the many manifestations of “bombing.” Through grainy night vision footage and raw interviews, the punks, ghetto Picassos, taggers, misfits, and political dissidents demonstrate in no uncertain terms why they risk arrest and injury to express themselves and reflect their society with spraypaint and marker. The rough-and-tumble cast of Bomb It hails from New York and Tokyo, Berlin and Barcelona, Capetown, and Sao Paulo, with each city boasting its own unique style and form of grafitti. From the pioneers of bombing who painted living museums on trains as they rolled between the Bronx and Brooklyn in New York to the underground artist who seeks the sublime painting in blue deep in the bowels of Sao Paulo’s sewers, the artists in Bomb It are fascinating studies in the power of art to disturb, protest, and enlighten.


  • true stuff

    By ask_nme crew
    ok look to me BOMB IT is a real dope movie and i think that wuht they say is like real s#@%t be and because a real tagger risks his life and dont care bout nuthin else but them self
  • Definitely a keeper

    By brmosaic
    Blunt, lays out a good bit of history around the world on how and why people bomb graffiti. I didn't find it one-sided at all, definitely glad I purchased it

    this movie is dope . imfamy, rock fresh,of course wild style and style wars are the best graff docs ive seen so also being a graff artist, i know what its like so these movies showed how it is 2 b one.especially when lady tribe was on, there needs to be more female graff artists that r me
  • Classics...

    By Wrongside of the tracks
    First off this " Muthaphucka" needs to have Style wars and Wild style....then you can continue with the rest of your other graff movies.
  • the bombdigity

    By Sir Buddy
    I saw this in my Intro to Sociology class at Johnson County Community College, and it was awesome. I tried to borrow it from our teacher, but there is a waiting list. Today I was going through the movies and came across it, now I don't have to borrow it, I can have it.
  • awesome vid

    By zobe1
    i love graffiti i live for it,. this movie rocks!!!!!
  • Great doc but....

    By LiYO14
    This was a great documentary it has some great footage, but it drags, on some parts, some footage is way to short, the footage of "daim" was soooo short, the man is a legend and pioneer..what really let me was that they didn't mention the bay area, there are a lot of great artists out here, they did show L.A but anyone who knows anything knows that L.A and the bay are to different worlds...those are the reasons why I gave this doc 4 stars.
  • Bomb It

    By REVOK
    Its Cool but this muthaphucka needs infamy
  • Bomb It

    By LeftyBCinestir
    Bomb It is an explosive fast paced documentary, on the history of Graffiti told by some of today's best artists from all over the world. It shows some amazing artwork and weaves a story that is humorous, heartbreaking, enlightening, infuriating, and inspirational. We see the passion that both graffiti artists, and anti graffiti activists have for their work. Bomb It also poses some interesting takes on the use of public/private space. It is a visual and auditory barrage on the senses. Highly recommended viewing for veterans and toys alike.
  • Works fine- Great Flix

    By shaktimama
    I don't know what the last user is complaining about. I downloaded the flix just fine. IT WORKS GREAT! And this movie ROCKS! Killer footage of graf from around the globe. Its totally comprehensive- lots of different artists and styles- from taggers to world famous artists. The focus on public space is something I never thought about before but raises good questions and keeps you thinking. Fast past and fun, you'll walk away wanting to hit something up and look at the city around you in a whole new way.
