Lost Boys: The Tribe

Lost Boys: The Tribe

By P.J. Pesce

  • Genre: Horror
  • Release Date: 2008-07-29
  • Advisory Rating: NR
  • Runtime: 1h 33min
  • Director: P.J. Pesce
  • Production Company: Thunder Road
  • Production Country: United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 9.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 2.99
From 184 Ratings


The follow up to the cult classic horror hit about the battle between Californians and teenage vampires, a brother and sister have moved to Santa Carla, only to get mixed up with a gang of surfers that are more than they appear to be. The sequel takes us back to the familiar shady surf city of Santa Carla, California, where vampire surfers quickly dispatch anyone who tries to invade their turf. Into this dark world arrive moody Chris Emerson and his shy sister, Nicole. Subtle references to their father, Michael, immediately establish a link to the Lost Boys legend and set a sinister tone of impending doom. Featuring appearances by "The Lost Boys" original stars Corey Feldman and Corey Haim! Directed by P.J Pesce ("From Dusk Till Dawn 3: The Hangman's Daughter" and "Sniper 3").



  • Lost Boys -THE CONTRIVED-

    By MBAware
    Savor the original movie “The Lost Boys” from 1987. It has everything this movie is desperately lacking! The Tribe is TOTAL TRASH from beginning to end; one of the worst I have ever seen. The actors are not likable in their roles or believable and the story is just cheesy and stupid. You know a movie is BAD when you hit mute and fast-forward multiple times just to get through it. Save your money… or buy the 1987 original vampire classic “The Lost Boys”.
  • MUCH better than Lost Boys: The Thirst

    By Oddities1991
    So. It’s a third sequel to The Lost Boys, a move that had it’s beginnings in the late 80’s. You can’t expect much. I bought the second and third movie as a night of noslogia since The Lost Boys was the stuff of my childhood. This movie, like The Thirst, has just about everything you could want. Beheadings, blood, gore, Edgar/Eddie Frog, Lesbians, Boob Shots, more gore, lots and lots of blood and did I mention gore? Seriously, though, its’ a great movie. It’s a lot more fun if you suspend your disbelief and enjoy the ride. The brother and sister duo are a fun set of characters (ESPECIALLY the sister. She was adorable). The vampire-dude she gets into is hella pretty if you swing that way. It’s just over all a lot of fun and takes you back to the good ol’ days. Although I will say the kids being disappointed over the $650 rent seemed a little out there. Where i live, you’re lucky if you can get a one bedroom for $1200 a month. To me, that was the most “outrageous” or “unbelievable” part of the movie. But I digress...
  • Didn't Disappoint

    By Nicole 16
    good movie. not as good as the original but its hard to live up to. was the first lost boys that made me wish for the vampires to survive. really too bad what happened to shane though. i was rooting for him the entire time.
  • The Original The Lost Boys

    By PammyNicole
    I am a 14-year-old girl who loves the original The Lost Boys. I had recently watched The Lost Boys: The Tribe and found it quite interesting, although the first movie was a zillion times better. I still like how Corey Feldman played the role of Edgar Frog and how he used the funny dialogue from the 1987 movie, but I hated the fact that Star and Michael supposedly passed away in this movie and Sam became a vampire. I think that they should've let Sam out of the movie. So, in my opinion, those of you who loved the original The Lost Boys should not see this movie if they prefer a happy ending.
  • Lost Cause...

    By Lucy Kull
    Many of us who have watched this are fans of the original 1987 Lost Boys and find this to be a sad state. I had hoped after waiting for 20 plus years that a decent effort would be made for a squel. Sadly, if you are looking for somthing of quality please turn away; you will not find it here. Lost Boys:The Tribes falls short on so many different levels. This cheese-tastic flick reeks of profound disappointment. Everything from the BAD acting, BAD script, BAD dialogue, BAD special effects, and least we forget the BAD camera angles (during the love scene between the titile characters, Nicole and Shane her pasties that cover her breast are visible. This would all be fine and dandy but the idea is to create the illusion that the actress is in the nude without showing.) I give this film two stars because of the Lost Boys' theme that was featured in it. It has been remade by the band Aiden and featuring this (surprisingly good remake of a already great song) deserves at least two stars. I give this a C- on my grading scale.
  • Great

    By brittyb0095
    i loved this movie! sure im not in love with the first one like all you adults on here but this was a good movie for the 21 century! teens like myself love this movie and i think that its better than the original!
  • Sad waste of the impressive Talents of Corey Feldman

    By MacSince86
    Just kidding. Nobody in this movie had any talents. The acting, script and special effects were without any mentionable qualities. There was no wit, no humor, no suspense and the dopey thing was predictable from the first fang to the last stake. Every once in a while Feldman had a decent line, but not enough. Angus Sutherland proved through his tedious lack of energy and diction that quality acting is not genetic. I will give him credit, however, for his uncanny resemblance to his father. Otherwise this movie was just a tiresome rehash and an attempt to make a couple of bucks off of familiar faces and names. But... if you do suffer through this steaming pile, make sure you watch the first couple of minutes of the credits.
  • Cheesy

    By frontranger1
    This is one of the cheesiest vampire movies I've ever seen. The only interesting parts are the boobie shots. 2 stars for that.
  • Stupid and more of a remake

    By Tehlostboys
    This movie was really stupid. They basically used the same plot as the last one. I luv the original one but this one wasn't even different. All they do is just cuss and act like children. They couldve at least used different songs and actually have a plot besides gettin laid. So as I say don't waste your time with this movie.
  • Screw This Movie........

    By jimmy1408
    Why i ask after th first 10 min i hated this movie the only good scene was at the end with edger and sam fight that was the only good part of this movie and then they are going to do a 3rd that looks dum please just leave the classics alone come on really............................................................
