Cat People

Cat People

By Paul Schrader

  • Genre: Horror
  • Release Date: 1982-01-01
  • Advisory Rating: R
  • Runtime: 1h 58min
  • Director: Paul Schrader
  • Production Company: Universal Pictures
  • Production Country: United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 14.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 518 Ratings


Nastassia Kinski stars as Irena, a beautiful young woman on the bridge of sexuality; she discovers love for the first time only to find that the explosive experience brings with it tragic consequences. The tremendous passion of this girl's first romantic love is so strong, however, it bypasses the chaos around her – including her brother's (Malcolm McDowell) extraordinary demands – as it pushes her on to her own bizarre destiny. With a style as timeless as myth, Cat People is an erotic fantasy of the passion and terror that surround this girl's first love. Desire… passion… blood, her lust transforms her into one of the Cat People.



  • Oh You Sexy Cat People You

    By FrednonSped
    only the 80’s could produce such a spectacle, Natassja Kinski taking her clothes off in every other scene and captured in prurient vivid 80’s cinematographic style. It’s worth checking out just for her raw sensuality, there are some kinky scenes worked into the mix but the movie does evoke a creepy horror vibe throughout. They play off the original Cat People but give it a nicer ending, yeah… really hokey 80’s stuff through and through. I can imagine some people finding the entire thing gratuitous and worthless, but that was the 80’s regarding almost everything.
  • Classic

    By Whitecatsjogging
    Loved it when I 1st saw it and still love it now. Good plot and special effects. No computer generated cat transformation that you get in todays movies. Great movie and the soundtrack as well. Weird but I seem to get all A's in when I study to it. LoL a deff must buy.
  • Meh People

    By jamesblond
    The original of this is one of the best horror films……a monster movie that almost never shows the monster. Really creppy, despite the $1.50 budget, and full of sexual suggestion that gave the whole thing a really sense of tension and desire. Now…..oh well. It's all sex, all the suspense has been drained out of it and left it a limp piece of gore, just like poor Ed Begley's arm. I am all for a little more sex here and there, and I love Paul Schrader, but he got way too overconfident here and made a film which relies a little -- or a lot -- on seeing Nastassja Kinski naked. If you really think this is great, watch the original. The acting in that won't win any Oscars either, but the direction and production are really pretty amazing.
  • Forgot How Good It Was

    By set1914
    Saw this movie when it first came out. Upon seeing it again I remember how good it was.
  • Sexy, scary and unique

    By Wolfman78
    A very cool film. Serious and psychological. Sexual and disturbing. A welcome breath of fresh air after seeing one too many bad WEREWOLF movies - Here we have Were-CATS! Very different, very cool. In the spirit of Cronenberg's "The Fly," "Altered States" and "American Werewolf in London," this is a true 80's horror film. Great acting, writing, directing and overall filmmaking. Scary and creepy, and a good deal of nudity and sexuality. Altogether, it's slinky, stealthy, creepy, sexy, and dangerous... Just like a cat. The music seemed a bit dated in certain sections, however, and I felt the running time was a bit long. There were a few cool special FX, but for the most part, real leopards were used. I guess this is cool and works for the story, seeing as they're not supposed to be "monster" were-cats, but just look like normal leopards. But I personally would like to see something more monstrous, and felt like just using a real cat was a bit of a cop-out, and too easy. All in all, it's a good movie that I will watch again, and I give it four stars!
  • A Classic!

    By jacob321
    Such a great movie!! I remember watching this when I was a kid and being both scared and mesmerized at the same time. I bought the film before I had iTunes about a year ago and it still brings out the same feelings that it did when I was younger. Fantastic story, great acting, awesome soundtrack, and really great special effects! A must buy or rent!
  • Bad plot too much fake emotion

    By SK2howdoyoudo?
    This is definately an 80s movie, there was too much artistry and not enough plot. Definately a no
  • An Underrated Classic!

    By the mean one
    A supremely intelligent super-chic erotic horror fantasy, beautifully realized by director Paul Schrader and the masterful performances of Nastassja Kinski and the great Malcolm McDowell. A quality film that should not be forgotten!.

    By micawber999
    this is a really cool, and horrific film. extremely well put together, with a great plot, cast, and musical score. check it out!!
  • Optimism

    By mudkiupz
    no just no.
