Anatomy of a Murder

Anatomy of a Murder

By Otto Preminger

  • Genre: Drama
  • Release Date: 1959-07-01
  • Advisory Rating: NR
  • Runtime: 2h 40min
  • Director: Otto Preminger
  • Production Company: Columbia Pictures
  • Production Country: United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 4.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 1,025 Ratings


A riveting courtroom drama of rape and premeditated murder is brought to life with an all-star castin the suspenseful and highly-acclaimed Anatomy of a Murder. Nominated for seven Academy Awards including Best Picture (1959). The film pits a humble small-town lawyer (James Stewart) against a hard-headed big city prosecutor (George C. Scott). Emotions flare as a jealous army lieutenant (Ben Gazzara) pleads innocent to murdering the rapist of his seductive, beautiful wife (Lee Remick). Producedand directed by the renowned Otto Preminger, the film features a brilliant score by Duke Ellington. Packed with drama, passion and intrigue, Anatomy of a Murder is a cinematic masterpiece that will keep you on the edge of your seat!



  • A brilliant movie and soundtrack

    By growing up mccartney
    Masterpiece!! ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘
  • Great Movie. Misleading info

    By Nottil
    HD version is widescreen NOT full screen. donโ€™t know about SD version, Classic movie and worth a look. Edgy in its day but rather tame nowadays. The 9 oโ€™clock news has worse horrors nightly with more risquรฉ content
  • Highly recommended!!

    By YooperHunter
    Now, I will admit that I am a bit biased as I am originally from the UP of Michigan where Anatomy was filmed, and Robert Travers (or John Voelker as I knew him) was a friend of my grandfathers, but the story/film was written as a loose interpretation of an actual murder in the UP. Mr. Voelker's works were based in great part on his life and times as an attorney and Michigan Supreme Court judge. Consider the times when Anatomy was released (1959) and how far ahead of it's time the content was. Murder, rape, infidelity and strong sexual inuendo all combine to create a riveting crime drama that will keep you on the edge of your seat, and knock you off of it at the end. All that and the amazing cast, Anatomy, arguably, would have won the Academy Award for best picture if it wasn't for Ben-Hur. And, if you like it, also check out Twelve Angry Men (1957) with Henry Fonda. A different kind of crime drama, but along the same cinemagraphic lines.
  • More than an "Anatomy of a Murder"--this is what a "true crime " story is all about!

    By Maresy
    I've seen this film 3 times and I could see it another "3 times"!!! This film is the only realistic version of what happens in a court room during an investigation and trial of a murder case. All the elements are there--passion and "on the edge of your seat tenseness, plus great acting, especially by Jimmy Stewart and George C. Scott(who was not seen in the preview done by Otto Preminger). I agreed with the previous reviewer, this IS NOT "Law and Order" tv, but the real thing. Actually excellent all the way around--screenplay, acting, directing, photography(location and court room).
  • This is a classic

    By MrsBadKrumble
    This film is wonderful. With all due respect, it is nowhere near an early version of a formulaic courtroom drama. It's so much more. It's James Stewart, for goodness sake. Watch this film and enjoy it; listen closely.
  • A hard movie to rate...

    By Berenger
    I'd give it 2 1/2 stars if I could... Throughout my entire viewing of the movie all i kept thinking of was 'this is an early version of law and order'. Now, there is nothing wrong with that type of format. Done well it can be just as riviting as any other story telling style. But Anatomy of a Murder seems to suffer from being ahead of its time. Certain conventions and points of interest are focused on longer than is necessary. Perhaps for the audience of that generation, the time was needed to keep the audience abrest of the intricacies of the plot. But I believe modern audiences do not need as much hand holding when it comes to the courtroom/crime drama (see All 3 Law & Orders, All 3 CSI's, ect.) and so the the story seems wordy and excessive. The story itself is a good one, and the performances are sturdy, but the camera work and lighting seem amaturish. Awkward shadows of the cameraman passing past actors distracted me every time, pulling me from the story. Overall: if you are a classic movie buff, you love Jimmy Stewart or George C. Scott, it's definitely worth a watch so that you can put the notch on your movie going belt... but if you are looking for a riviting courtroom thriller, go to TNT and watch a couple episodes of Law and Order.
