Just Cause

Just Cause

By Arne Glimcher

  • Genre: Drama
  • Release Date: 1995-02-17
  • Advisory Rating: R
  • Runtime: 1h 42min
  • Director: Arne Glimcher
  • Production Company: Lee Rich Productions
  • Production Country: United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 9.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 564 Ratings


Sean Connery stars as a retired Harvard law professor who strives toprove the innocence of a young black man sentenced to death in Floridain this hard-edged, complex legal thriller.A brutal murder is committed in the Florida Everglades. Eight yearslater, a principled Harvard law professor tries to save the convictedman on death row who swears he's innocent of that crime. For thesmall-town detective who investigated the killing, however, there's noquestion he caught the right man--and no last-minute intervention isgoing to keep that cold-blooded killer out of the electric chair. Theclock is ticking ... and a man's life is on the line. But nothing iswhat it seems. Someone is the lethal mastermind of a deadly game ... andall roads lead back to the site of that long-ago murder--where, thistime, there are two intended victims.



  • Worth it

    By Gamer holdem
    Unusual and really well done movie. Love the twist. I didn’t see it coming. Excellent film 👍
  • Critiques are wrong again!

    By Bronco46
    I can't believe Rotten Tomatoes was so hard on this film. This is a good story with an excellent cast. This not a Die Hard style story filled CGI and car crashes; it just a good detective movie. I enjoyed the way the ending was done.
  • Intriguing, Dramatic Thriller at its best !!!

    By GCDFW
    This movie is positively excellent and my first five-star rating on ITunes! Sean Connery and Blair Underwood give stunning performances throughout this murder-based dramatic thriller! The attention never waivers and while conclusions are made quickly as to innocence and guilt; they are soon dashed long before the film draws to a jaw-dropping close. The writing, direction, and performance are dynamic. These facets, coupled with the setting of the South Florida Everglades where everyone speaks some truth and untruth about everyone, make the movie a compelling "must see" for anyone looking for two hours of deep drama, intrigue, and a revolutionary surprise ending.
  • Dynamic Thriller

    By DocMN
    Sean Connery has to be the all-time best actor and in his various roles he makes the movie-goer feel and think with him. In this movie, you are drawn into the injustice of the case just as the professor is. The roller-coaster ride of evidence finally brings relief from the audience as justice prevails...or does it? Just when the movie is closing, we turn a corner and discover that the whole time there has been a story within a story. Fantastically convinicing. Strong characters. Powerful drama....but one fatal flaw...our own desire for the removal of injustice. A must see movie for all Sean Connery fans and people who like a story of dram, intrigue, and in the same genre as Grisham. Rent it!
