Be Kind Rewind

Be Kind Rewind

By Michel Gondry

  • Genre: Comedy
  • Release Date: 2008-02-22
  • Advisory Rating: PG-13
  • Runtime: 1h 40min
  • Director: Michel Gondry
  • Production Company: Partizan Films
  • Production Country: United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 9.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 1,371 Ratings


Jack Black and Mos Def star in Be Kind Rewind, a unique comedy from Academy Award-winning writer/director Michel Gondry (Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind). Black stars as a lovable loser stuck in a life that's too small for his big dreams. But when he unintentionally erases all the tapes in a video store where his best friend works, he devises a plan to satisfy the store's few loyal customers by re-creating and re-filming every movie they decide to rent.



  • A "B" movie

    By Can't find a non-taken nickname
    It definitely wasn't a high quality movie. Which I guess is appropriate in this case. The first half was better, it went kind of downhill from there. The film had an amusing idea, but the idea was taken too far, to the level of implausibility, and then the film tried to wrap everything up in a bow at the end. Might be worth a few dollars rental, I wouldn't pay more.

    By Movielover78920
    This movie is hilarious! I love Jack Black and this movie kept me entertained the whole time! I reccomened this to anybody who loves Jack Black and wants to see an entertaining and very interesting movie! :)
  • I don't often laugh that hard

    By Meyouandeverybodytoo
    A little off-color humor at some points, but otherwise very funny and entertaining. I really enjoyed it.
  • Cult CLASSIC!!!!

    By GorramNerd
    This truly is the definition of a cult classic: very low budget film that the majority both dont like and will never understand. This to me is the 21st century UHF. This feels like a classic 80s cult comedy that the script got lost for 30 years and got made in the 21st century, and I mean that in the best way. Buy it...LOVE IT!!!
  • Nice movie

    By Da boss 9854
    It was a good movie
  • A Potentially Good Story

    By Jonathan Jeffrey
    This story had a lot of potential. Unique characters and plot elements were there...I really wanted to like the story but, it was just so amateur...which, would have been fine however, It reminded me a lot of a first draft. The script and pacing needed a lot of revisions. The ending lacks resolution. Its like they they just gave up after the storyboarding...This film had the potential to have a lot of heart but I feel like it was really let down by the disjointed scenes and weird character interactions. It's still an interesting story. If you are intent on watching this try renting it first before purchasing it outright.
  • iTunes is mean

    By Septuplets
    What I saw of the movie was entertaining, but then iTunes deleted it. It was kinda like how Jack Black became "magnetized" and deleted all the movies at the movie store, but instead it was just a mean-spirited policy that prevented me from seeing the end of the movie. Thanks Apple. I wouldn't want you to lose any money because you're clearly not making enough money off of the MacBook Pro I'm typing on, or the iPod I own, or the movies and music I download. You should probably make me rent a film twice as well. I think.
  • You name it I buy it

    By Lada Hater
    Jack Black made this movie incredibly funny! SPOILER: I love it when he makes his own version of the ghostbusters theme song END SPOILER: This film is amazing.
  • Not good.

    By bpwongerflap
    This movie is sooooooooooo boring I fell asleep towards the end.
  • Witty, hilarious, and heart-warming

    By Dance til u drop
    This movie was incredible. Absolutely hilarious. Jack Black was phenomanal, as usual, and Mos Def was suprisingly good. And I couldn't believe Sigourney Weaver and Mia Ferro were in this Movie! I was cracking up the whole time. And it was refreshing to see a Movie where not all of the jokes were sexual, racist, or Making Fun of Some celebrity. Not that i don't like those Things, but i can't remeber a Time that i laughed like that. It was also good to See a Group of people Living in a Bad neighborhood work together to Save something they about. Bravo!
