The Client

The Client

By Joel Schumacher

  • Genre: Drama
  • Release Date: 1994-07-20
  • Advisory Rating: PG-13
  • Runtime: 2h 0min
  • Director: Joel Schumacher
  • Production Company: Alcor Films
  • Production Country: United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 4.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 1,153 Ratings


11-year-old Mark Sway, torn between what he knows and what he can never tell. A hitman will kill Mark if the boy reveals what he knows. An ambitious federal prosecutor (Jones) will keep the pressure on until Mark tells all. Mark is now a pawn in a deadly game. And his only ally is a courageous attorney (Sarandon) who risks her career – and unexpectedly, her life – for him.



  • Watch it...again even !👍

    By Gamer holdem
    Love this movie. Had no idea till I googled the character Mark that he- Brad Renfro died in 2008 in LA California of a heroine overdose. He was young. From Knoxville Tennessee so his southern accent was real. Great movie had forgotten how god the cast, acting etc was.
  • Stands Over & Above New Whodunits

    By MindcandyOnly
    Who isn't a sucker for a gutsy-kid-in-peril with everything to lose suspense thriller? This is a very well done, never drops a beat, fast moving movie. The cast makes this movie - both good and bad guys pulling their weight yet never overdoing it, as with so many films now. There's often a lack of coherence, or the characters can be seen to be acting - not like real people. Another bonus here is a cast that fit the roles precisely, no guessing who and what they are, the plot demands you know what might happen next - and though you're glad to see resolution, you also want more! I'll watch this movie more than two or three times!
  • On the edge of my seat

    By Demi's reincarnation
    I just watched this movie for the first and omygosh!!! Every twist and turn was just...WOW. Awesome movie. I would defiantly recommend this movie to anyone! Over the age of 13 of course:P
  • OMG, This Sucked!!!

    By Dirty Diapers
    So we're supposed to believe that an 11 year old kid hires a lawyer, out-smarts the mob, out-runs the FBI, and negotiates the terms of his witness protection - so his trailor-trash Mom can get a house with a walk-in closet????? This movie was so unbelievable, from start to finish. It disregards any semblance of reason, legality, or possibility, I would assume just to get Susan Sarandon and Tommy Lee Jones on screen together.... There's two hours of my life I'll never get back.
  • Awe yeah

    By kullander123
  • A great film

    By goodfellasgodfathersopranosreservoir dogs
    I thought that this movie was by far the greatest Grisham film Tommy Lee Jones out a great effort into his charector and you could feel the raw power in Susan Sarandon rent this movie if not buy it
  • The client

    This movie is such a great film I loved it so much Susan Sarandon did such a great job in this film so did Tommy lee jones great movie

    By _tragedie_
    Loved it! The Client is awesome!!!
  • A Wonderful Movie!

    By heavy metal kills rap
    This movie has you on the edge of your seat the whole time. Brad Renfro does such a good job at this movie! An engaging movie that is a definite must-have for drama-lovers.
