

By Rebecca Miller

  • Genre: Drama
  • Release Date: 1995-01-01
  • Advisory Rating: Unrated
  • Runtime: 1h 41min
  • Director: Rebecca Miller
  • Production Company: Bravura Cinematográfica
  • Production Country: Brazil
  • iTunes Price: USD 9.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 36 Ratings


The parents of sisters Angela (Miranda Stuart Ryne) and Ellie (Charlotte Blythe) love each other a lot, but their mother (Anna Thompson of Unforgiven) is emotionally unstable, to say the least. The girls cope with their difficult family life by literally creating a world all of their own, with only Angela's imagination as a roadmap. "Its early scenes beautifully capture a childhood intuition of a world where bogeymen lurk and angels hover. On a more somber note, the film is an almost clinical study of how children absorb their parents' psychology," wrote Stephen Holden when he reviewed Angela in the New York Times. The first film written and directed by Rebecca Miller (daughter of legendary dramatist Arthur Miller), Angela announced the presence of a major new film artist when it was released in 1992. Miller would go on to direct the Sundance Grand Jury Prize-winner Personal Velocity, and then The Ballad Of Jack And Rose, starring her husband Daniel Day-Lewis.



  • A Masterpiece

    By SeattleMoose
    This movie plays out like a modern day fairy tale. The daughter of a mentally ill woman creates a fantasy world to try and cope with her crumbling world and in doing so, takes us on a journey thru "the great nothing". Miranda Stuart Rhyne plays the lead character and should have won an award for her heart breaking role as Angela. Rhyne has a lot of presence and has an ethereal pathos about her that is hauntingly beautiful. You really want this poor girl's life to turn out for the better. The acting is very good and besides some "sophmore" mistakes involving boom Mics, this movie remains one of my favorites. Rebecca Miller is the daughter of Marilyn Monroe and is the creative force behind this movie. Both girls (f0 and 6) appear in very stages of nudity in the movie but it is all very innocent and helps ground the movie in reality.
  • A very interesting independent film.

    By Angel_Of_Ekero
    A little sad and depressing at times, but well worth the rental price if you want to try something out of the mainstream.
  • meh

    By parlebon
    there are some beautiful shots. but thats about it. didn't care for the actress who played angela. also some obvious booms. 3 or 4 times.
  • interesting.

    By lipstick lullabies.
    This movie is pretty interesting.
