Darfur Now

Darfur Now

By Ted Braun

  • Genre: Documentary
  • Release Date: 2008-05-27
  • Advisory Rating: PG
  • Runtime: 1h 37min
  • Director: Ted Braun
  • Production Company: Crescendo Productions
  • Production Country: United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 9.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 9 Ratings


In this in-depth documentary, Academy Award-nominee Don Cheadle ("Hotel Rwanda," "Crash") examines genocide in Sudan's western region and takes a closer look at the consequences of the conflict between the Sudanese government sponsored militia group known as Janjaweed and the various rebel groups that are comprised of mostly civilians. The results are hundreds of thousands of deaths and millions of people displaced throughout neighboring countries seeking refuge. With this huge crisis taking place, nations have been slow to aide and assist the suffering civilians, but have been slowly coming to aide. This film is a call to action for people everywhere to help stop the genocide in Darfur, as it follows the struggles and achievements of six very different individuals bring to light the situation in Darfur and illustrate the absolute need to get involved.



  • Rwanda All Over Again :(

    By R.I.P. Sean Bell
    When are the Western nations going to start giving a damn about people in need over money making oppurtinities? (The reason we are in Iraq instead of Sudan.)
  • You MUST watch this movie - from someone whose been there...

    By LoozianaMan
    I just left Darfur. I worked for the company building the so called UN African Force Bases. I can tell you for an absolute FACT that NOTHING is being done to protect these people. Even now. The day I landed in Khartoum, 300 vehicles had driven across the desert full of rebels and attacked the capital. Four days later I was in Darfur. I saw UN vehicles with troops asleep under them with the APC Weapons wrapped and unloaded. I saw 6 different uniforms when we went to market. We had three African Union troops guarding us with one AK-47 between them. Khartoum ordered the UN out after 3 months and the UN said ok. In 4 months, some earth moving had been done and 2 concrete slabs were poured between 4 different bases. Why? Khartoum would not allow materials to land. The UN HAS NO SPINE! THE UN DOES NOT CARE ABOUT THESE POOR SOULS. I say this with conviction that anyone doubting the truth, should watch this movie. Its REAL.
  • I liked it

    By amipenguin
    Very educational and it made me want to go to Africa more. I wish the two criminals mentioned in the documentary could be punished by Darfur people and the International Criminal Court. It must be hard considering that one of them is among the top oficials in Sudan, and it's so ironic that he's in charge of Darfur's two million internally displaced people now. Arnold Schwarzenegger has a cute accent.

    By vargas9006
    ...I think this movie gives us a very deep message of what is going on in Darfur. In some parts of the movie, I cried. Seeing that people over there crying and suffering Its not easy. Sometimes we complain about school, and they don't even have a spacious room to study!...
  • Read

    By sm.
    the person who wrote, who cares, is cruel. this film may focus on just darfur, but it still gets a point across. people may be dying in other places as well but that does not mean that darfur doesnt matter. this film focuses on darfur and other films focus on other places. the point is people are dying and we need to do something to stop it. go buy it in stores, not because it is cheaper, but because if i am not mistaken the money is donated towards the cause
  • intense

    By Jmolina247
    Who knows what the next day brings We all may die right now The important thing is to cherish what you have Even if it’s your last breath People don’t understand this world could use more kindness Inflation is high Grades are low How is this generation going to get out of this? War is cheap Gas is expensive Lives are lost Right from our pockets How much do lives cost in this day and age? A penny or a limb? Should this be taken lightly? Just because our president doesn’t know his ABC’s Doesn’t mean we can’t change this cabinet for him Checks and balances are beautiful things when used in the right manner Can’t handle Watergate scandals… But we’ll take another Bush please... What has happened to the American people? Richest nation in the world…. Tell that to your Asian buddies Or even better Since this nation has such massive cash flow in it’s great and stable economy Tell that to the kids in Darfur Save Darfur Save America
  • because you're african

    By trifonovg1
    the tragedy that is happening in Darfur is no different than Rwanda in 1994. Nick Nolte said the truth then: "You're black. You're not even a n****. You're an African." That's why nobody cares. Because there's nothing to take from Darfur...
  • 5
    By christiney weenie
    i have been to africa and seen these people and what they are going through and it breaks my heart that the world SWORE to never let something like this happen again. and now it is happening right under their noses, and they wont get up and do something. i wish more people knew that they could make a difference.
  • on one Mind of Mencia

    By elevengood92
    they parodied the darfur genocides to tell us we have a crap load of stuff which is true but it was funny
  • God help us all!

    By Dr. Mises
    You only need to read the two other reviews here to see what good people are up against. One has nothing to say but I can get the movie cheaper, and other is looking for more work hired killers.
