The Longest Day

The Longest Day

By Bernhard Wicki, Ken Annakin & Andrew Marton

  • Genre: Action & Adventure
  • Release Date: 1962-10-04
  • Advisory Rating: Unrated
  • Runtime: 2h 58min
  • Director: Bernhard Wicki, Ken Annakin & Andrew Marton
  • Production Company: Darryl F. Zanuck Productions
  • Production Country: United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 15.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 952 Ratings


The Longest Day is a vivid, hour-by-hour recreation of the historic D-Day assault upon the beaches of Normandy during World War II.. Featuring a stellar international cast, and told from the perspectives of both sides, it is a fascinating look at the massive preparations, mistakes, and random events that determined the outcome of one of the biggest battles in history. Winner of two 1962 Academy Awards® (Special Effects and Cinematography), The Longest Day ranks as one of Hollywood's truly great war films.



  • Awful

    By MattyBuh
    People that purchased this in “HD” have been commenting on the video quality for years and it’s still awful. If I didn’t have a moviesanywhere account and couldn’t watch this on another platform I’d demand a refund
  • Terrible Presentation

    By Bronsonioni
    Absolutely do not purchase or rent this from iTunes until they fix the presentation to reflect the original aspect ratio and offer a decent transfer of the Academy Award-winning cinematography.
  • D-day

    By lego peps
    Me and my dad watch it every June 6. It is truly a classic and even though I’m only 10 I know a lot about ww2 and is historically accurate!
  • Buy the full version with extra features

    By Furutan1
    Zanuck's master work. There'd a brief corny scene when someone does a bit of a soliloquy on the operation, but other than that it is first rate. Zanuck really had to duke it out to create this masterpiece. The result was not only one of the best war films ever, but it put a failed Hollywood legend back on top and at the head of the studio. When paired with In Harms Way (more personal an dramatic), The Longest Day, the two do an excellent job of depicting WWII on both major fronts. Follow this with Patton, Tora Tora Tora, and Midway, and you've got an excellent collection on your hands.

    By PCH-2-ZG
    It won an academy award for B&W cinematography, but it ruined when watched on iTunes since 50% of the image is missing. Shame on Apple
  • BUYER BEWARE...Wrong aspect ratio !!!!

    By kagemusha00
    THE LONGEST DAY was filmed in Cinemascope 2.35. ITunes is showing a 1.85 pan and scan version.HORRIBLE! VUDU and Amazon are shopwing the correct aspect ratio. Until ITunes fixes this error that destroys the film..... but online elsewhere!
  • Becomes an unrealistic mess

    By Timmyshaw
    For the first hour this movie was fascinating, despite its faults. Then it quickly became a disgusting portrayal that in my opinion dishonors everyone who was there. The film hits its lowest point when the invasion begins. It treats it like one big stupid joke, with Sean Connery showing up to make some of the worst scenes of his career. This downplays the casualties and the sacrifice on all sides. The action is a mess, with actors hoping around making stupid jokes or taking a moment to grandstand. This is one of the worst war films I’ve ever see - and there are no shortage of bad war films. Watch something like Dunkirk, which portrays the events that took place prior to this historically, and then watch this again. It doesn’t matter when this film was made - these people should have known better.
  • Butchered classic

    By pingvuiini
    A great war movie with an all star cast has been shamefully hacked with the wrong aspect ratio. Lots of important details are cropped out. Aside from that, the transfer quality is soft and a bit fuzzy. Definitely not 'widescreen' or 'high definition'. And like an idiot I deleted my DVD-ripped version with the the true widescreen aspect ratio. Never again! >:^(
  • Disgraceful

    By totoro1
    The movie is a four star film, being somewhat dated but still quite good. The reduction to two stars is because iTunes has elected to pan and scan this important picture rather than giving us the original release images. Come on, iTunes! At this late date pan and scan is just unacceptable. Shot after shot has the excellent composition destroyed by hacking off part of the picture. Back in the days of VHS tape this was a common procedure as many people did not understand aspect ratios and that they were losing part of the image in an attempt to 'fill up their screen". Viewers today are much more knowledgeable and recognize how much is lost by carelessly discarding the work of the cinematographer. Because this is a streamed product, this could be corrected by iTunes by just replacing the travesty they now offer with the actual film as released. Time to correct your mistake here! Get this film back to the visual beauty it has in its original aspect ratio, and dump this damaged copy.
  • Lol

    By Brandywine Bridge
    Let's see, because a book is written by someone who is NOT a United States author makes it an accurate history? Great movie
