Dogtown and Z-Boys

Dogtown and Z-Boys

By Stacy Peralta

  • Genre: Documentary
  • Release Date: 2002-04-26
  • Advisory Rating: PG-13
  • Runtime: 1h 30min
  • Director: Stacy Peralta
  • Production Company: Agi Orsi Productions
  • Production Country: United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 12.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 151 Ratings


This award-winning, thrilling story is about a group of discarded kids who revolutionized skateboarding and shaped the attitude and culture of modern day extreme sports. Featuring old skool skating footage, exclusive interviews and a blistering rock soundtrack, DOGTOWN AND Z-BOYS captures the rise of the Zephyr skateboarding team from Venice's Dogtown, a tough "locals only" beach with a legacy of outlaw surfing.



  • An Excellent Documentary of Z-boys and Venice

    By Whacked Cat
    I remember reading Skateboarder magazine in the 70’s and being so intrigued. This documentary fills in all the history that me, as an east coast boy, never really understood. Such an awesome documentary that I have already watched about 15 times! And love, respect and RIP to Jay Adams - he might have been troubled at times in his live, but what an amazing person!
  • Excellent, Informative, Simply Cool!!!

    By OLEEP
    Great documentary. Makes me wanna skate right now again like back in the days! Also recommend Lords of Dogtown. Thanks. A+++
  • Dogtown Z-boys

    By Cgghhbb
    I love this documentary I recommend skaters and surfers to watch this it shows how skateboarding became a peice of wood into an extreme sport
  • Totally rad!!!

    By shaokahnguerilla
    This documentary truly represents the birth of extreme! It gives you an honest look at the Z-boys, drop-out prone kids who eventually made it big in the world of skateboarding, thereby influencing extreme sports forever! Depicts reckless behavior like spraying graffiti over walls, but that's what it was about for them as outcasts! It gives you a look at skateboarding before it became a multi-million dollar industry, a look at the pioneers known as the Zephyr skate team!
  • Awesome movie!

    By Jerdub93
    This is hands down THE best documentary ever! It's the only one I could actually watch over and over again
  • DitchTown sk8tr

    By Landon Fletes
    Tgese guys r the bomb! I sk8 old school! Yeeeeeeeeaaaah braaah!
  • Dogtown meets the mainland...

    By Rocklord33
    There was a time when all my friends and I, living in landlocked suburban Atlanta, GA...lived and breathed skateboards. As badass as we thought we were no one could touch the boys from Venice. They were the stars...our heroes who graced the pages of SKATEBOADER Magazine. An awesome entity in itself straight out of So-Cal. Every month we'd run to our mailbox to see if the next issue had arrived yet...only to mimmick the exploits of our biggest idols...the Dogtown boys. This film emboddies so much about the 70's and 80's skate culture...a must have for anyone interested in skateboard history.
  • Awsome Documentary

    By Dante D
    It's a GREAT documentary. Juat rippin'. Just.... Awsome, for anyone who wants to learn the history of skateboarding, and the Z-Boys

    By laderal costoms skates
    if it wernt for any of the z-boys i wouldnt be skating at all
  • Yoo

    By Legend skatin
    Takin it old skool in cali...LOCALS ONLY
