Bad Lieutenant

Bad Lieutenant

By Abel Ferrara

  • Genre: Drama
  • Release Date: 1992-11-20
  • Advisory Rating: R
  • Runtime: 1h 30min
  • Director: Abel Ferrara
  • Production Company: Pressman Film
  • Production Country: United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 5.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 878 Ratings


He has survived on the streets for twenty years. He's a gambler...a thief...a junkie...a killer and a cop. Now he's investigating the most shocking case of his life, and as he moves closer to the truth his self-destructive past is closing in. Harvey Keitel gives a searing performance as an out-of-control police detective on a collision course with disaster in director Abel Ferrara's brilliant and deeply disturbing melodrama.



  • Rip-off

    By LemoineZ
    This isn’t ‘Bad Lieutenant’. This is an edited rip-off version. Shame on Apple. I want my money back.
  • R-rated Cut

    By FilmFan655321
    An oddly compelling grimy and slimy drama that skates by on the strength of Harvey Keitel’s electric performance. This score would be higher if it weren’t slashed to ribbons to appease the censors; without the extra (or “explicit”) bits, everything just feels too incomplete.
  • Heavily Edited Pass on this one!

    By Limodriverjeff
    This was a great movie full of bad conduct by a Law Enforcement Lieutenant. A NYPD detective. It was a good script with plenty of room for Harvey Kietel to interpret his characters lack of dedication and excessive appetite for drugs and sex. This Lt had no bottom line, no code of conduct no loyalty to anyone or anything. ITunes mutilated this film by only showing some of his bad acts and making it unbalanced in the story it tried to tell. It is just unwatchable and makes no sense scene to scene. There was no logical justification for the ending because the voyage wasn’t that bad.(in its edited form.) Why offer a film in this form at all? This was not what anyone connected to the project had in mind. Buy the special DVD instead of this iTunes abomination.
  • Edited and cut version.

    By Seamus619
    This is an absolutely brilliant film. But sadly iTunes only offers the edited and cut version.
  • Totally hacked

    By gergwhite
    What the hell happened to this film. What's with the censorship?? Don't buy this worthless hack of a great underground film. This is the last iTunes movie I buy. From now on I buy everything on disc format. This movie has had every scene that made it great, hacked out and removed. I'm so disappointed but I will save a lot of money over the next year. Who the hell do you think you are Apple, that you can edit an artists film to suit your standards. You just lost a big customer.
  • Why Censored?

    By Steelin' Johnny
    I’d seen this years earlier and noticed scenes missing. This is a great, must-see film that has sadly been butchered. Find the original, uncut version.

    By Df X
    This is an edited version.
  • Hard to watch. Depressing but very thought provoking.

    By Matty-The Wanderer
    I rented the iTunes version of this thinking that it was the uncut version. But I guess I was wrong, this version of the film leaves you with an awful feeling of just how dark and terrible the drug scene is. To me it was an empty lonely living nightmare that is never ending until you die. Very thought provoking but also very hard to watch even if this was cut up to hide the more graphic rape scenes.
  • Terrible

    By Spud Blaster
    Absolute waste of money and time. Nothing but crap. I wish they had negative star rating....
  • Not missing much

    By Head Maroon
    For all those reviewers who complained about seeing a cut version of the film, you didn't miss much. Saw the entire film and it still stunk. A waste of Harvey Keitel's talent.
