The Devil Came On Horseback

The Devil Came On Horseback

By Ricki Stern & Annie Sundberg

  • Genre: Documentary
  • Release Date: 2007-10-30
  • Advisory Rating: NR
  • Runtime: 1h 25min
  • Director: Ricki Stern & Annie Sundberg
  • Production Company: 3 Generations
  • Production Country: United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 5.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 19 Ratings


An up-close, honest, and uncompromising look at the crisis in Darfur, THE DEVIL CAME ON HORSEBACK exposes the ongoing tragedy in Sudan as seen through the eyes of one American witness.Using the exclusive photographs and first hand testimony of former U.S. Marine Captain Brian Steidle, the film goes on an emotionally charged journey into the heart of Darfur, Sudan, where in 2004, Steidle became witness to a genocide that to-date has claimed over 400,000 lives. As an official military observer, Steidle had access to parts of the country that no journalist could penetrate. Unprepared for what he would witness and experience, Steidle returned to the U.S. armed with his photographs, intent on exposing the images and stories of lives systematically destroyed. A 2007 world premiere at the Sundance Film Festival, this astonishingly propulsive and dramatic film from award-winning filmmakers Annie Sundberg and Ricki Stern (The Trials of Darryl Hunt), is a heartfelt account of what this particular American witness saw and, just as important, what he did afterward.



  • Shows one person can make a difference

    By Ringler
    This inspires action. I am not an activist, but i was compelled to watch this film from the beginning to the end. It shows i can do something to help. It is hard for me to understand how this can happen today. Natural disasters leave devastation but 400,000 innocent people killed by other human beings is inexcusable. Watch this film - I do not normally watch documentaries but this is a must see for for all.
  • Understanding Darfur

    By Marinell
    Devastating yet powerful, this is not an easy film to watch but will definitely leave you with a much deeper understanding of the crisis in Darfur.
  • Call to Your Conscience

    By MGMG
    This film is not only moving and informative, it is some of the most exclusive, first-hand footage of the massive attrocities in Darfur. Powerful experiences documented on film, such as Steidle's, are a key component to expanding the community to stand up against torture and mutilation of human beings world wide. Watch it & act!
  • Send in Mercenaries to clean up this Mess.

    By MercJ341
    This Movie-Documentary is a lot better than that George Clooney Release. So back to Mercenaries..Hopefully the publics outrage can help make this happen by sending in mercenaries, hired guns, PMC’s to go make a difference without politics getting in the way. Call these Private Firms whatever you Want to, they can make a difference. To the lost people who don’t know that Modern Day Mercenaries still Exist just Google PMC’s in Sudan.. or just Executive Outcomes. Eliminate the threat allowing NGO’s, International Red Cross, and other organization’s to help these people out. Your Private Donation$ could fund these PMC’s that have already approached the White House and spoke to the Media, in regards to going over to Sudan and wiping out these thugs on horsebacks. It seems the only thing America has done was to put restrictions on the import and exporting of goods in Sudan. Which doesn’t help the people. The Best Thing you can do is the Right Thing, the Next Best Thing is the Wrong Thing but the Worst Thing is Nothing. If I had the funding I’d assemble a team, I have the resources and logistical means to make this happen.. the Sudanese Government the majority of them are a bunch of crooks, most of your donation$ go to feed the local militia. I’m pretty sure the filmmaker of this can support what I say about PMC’s being deployed in Sudan and a lot of my opinions regarding the Sudanese Gov’t.. I've personally have been to Darfur working for a para-military company, within the past year., plan to go back soon as well. I know a lot of other mercs that are mad about the situation and who are willing to go in and get rid of these Devil on horseback thugs. American Military forces will never be deployed wait maybe oh I forgot there is Oil in Sudan..and even perhaps Al-Qaeda training there. Ah ! Green Light send in troops.. The Chinese are already there.. btw (but whatever)
  • brittney

    By boom_chaka_laka
    AMAZING FILM. that pretty much says it all. it is worth wayyy more than $10. take advantage of the price and buy it. share it. people need to stop being in denial about the genocide.
  • Genocide is real.

    By duer92
    An amazing documentary about a former U.S marine traveling to the Darfur region of Sudan as a photgrapher who witnesses gruesome atrocities that are happening as we speek yet no nation in the world seems to care enough about the men women children and infants being slaughtered by the Sudanese government funded janjaweed militias....
  • Screening of movie in Cincinnati

    By Be the change that you want to see
    Cincinnati Save Darfur Event Screening of "The Devil Came on Horseback" Speaker: Nick Clooney April 28th, 7:00pm University of Cincinnati Tangeman University Center Great Hall Free admission, donations accepted Save Darfur merchandise will be sold before/ after event
