Doctor Zhivago

Doctor Zhivago

By David Lean

  • Genre: Drama
  • Release Date: 1965-12-22
  • Advisory Rating: NR
  • Runtime: 3h 19min
  • Director: David Lean
  • Production Company: Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer
  • Production Country: Italy, United Kingdom, United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 12.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 1,172 Ratings


Lara inspires lechery in Komarovsky (her mother's lover who is a master at surviving whoever runs Russia) and can't compete with passion for the revolution of the man she marries, Pasha. Her true love is Zhivago who also loves his wife. Lara is the one who inspires poetry. The story is narrated by Zhivago's half brother Yevgraf, who has made his career in the Soviet Army. At the beginning of the film he is about to meet a young woman he believes may be the long lost daughter of Lara and Zhivago.



  • Favorite film, by far

    By IrishPirQueen
    I don’t know how many times I’ve seen this classic. I know most of the lines! But I never tire of the majesty of this fine film. The acting is impeccable. The cinematography astounding. I’ve read that some critics thought it trivialized the severe political turmoil of Russia at that time but it hits home just how devastating WWI and the Revolution truly was. It’s a love story, above all else. And what a love story it is!!!
  • Not Full Screen

    Don't be scared by some of the older reviews. The current version is not full screen and better quality than the trailer suggests.
  • Perhaps the greatest director of his time!

    By Imagination
    Although that is arguable and Stanley Kubrick would also be a logical choice Davis Lean is right up there. Lawrence of Arabia (The greatest film ever made) is only one example. The Bridge on the Rover Kwai, Great Expectations & A Passage to India (all nominated). When Zhivago came out it wasn't overwelmingly praised but it's become a classic that withstands time.
  • where is widescreen

    By Best Reviewer 2017
    A great movie...Apple overcharging for the movie...and worse it's in "full screen"....when was this movie ever in "full screen"...except in the early days of TV...... Apple needs a class action suit for committing fraud on the consumer....
  • Almost perfect

    By pingvuiini
    HD and widescreen look great. But where are the subtitles/closed captions for the hearing impaired when its available on almost every other movie on iTunes??? Fix that and I will give it 5 stars.
  • Great film, lousy version

    By SRosenman
    If the film has indeed been restored, why is that the trailer you offer so muddy and awful? It looks like ten thousand hairs and dandruff flakes are sprinkled across it. I don’t get it.
  • CC support please

    By Alan1hlee
    A movie like this deserves closed caption support, I think.
  • Widescreen

    By We Are...
    Note, the movie is widescreen. Note it is in HD but only the SD (720p). By the way it is a great movie.
  • I love this movie but...

    By Rudy_Chasal
    It's inconceivable to me that the movie -- like so many other great movies -- are offered in FULLSCREEN. After 1953/54 movies were filmed in Cinemascope. Who in Apple/iTunes decides what movies to carry and in what format? I won't buy this movie until it's available in widescreen.
  • Best movie ever made

    By dukeherzog07
    I thought this movie took movie making to the highest level it has ever achieved. The only thing I miss is not seeing it on the big screen. David Lean pushed the envelope with his use of music in this movie and I found it an unforegettable experience. One of my favorite movie.
