Speed 2: Cruise Control

Speed 2: Cruise Control

By Jan de Bont

  • Genre: Action & Adventure
  • Release Date: 2002-07-23
  • Advisory Rating: PG-13
  • Runtime: 2h 5min
  • Director: Jan de Bont
  • Production Company: Blue Tulip Productions
  • Production Country: United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 4.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 1,664 Ratings


Annie (Sandra Bullock) and her policeman boyfriend Alex (Jason Patrick) decide to take a romantic ocean cruise together. Once at sea, however, a disgruntled passenger has other plans. John Geiger (Willem Dafoe), the designer of the ship's computer system was fired and cast aside by the computer company he worked for, and now he wants revenge. He’s set the ship on a collision course with an oil tanker anchored at the island of St. Martin, and now it's up to Alex to stop him. But can he outwit a man who can control the entire ship from his keyboard?



  • REALLY!!

    By Daduise
    One of the worst action movies ever
  • Not terrible

    By kaylynnclr
    I don’t get all the hate for this movie, but I also doubt some of the 5 star reviews were by people who actually watched it… This movie was a cheesy action flick. Not great, but fun with some beer and popcorn and friends who are more about laughing and having fun than trying to be film critics. Sandra Bullock was enjoyable, Willem Dafoe is always fun as a bad guy and while not Keanu, the lead wasn’t terrible. All in all enjoyable, but not exactly Oscar worthy.
  • The Original

    By Venom spitter
    lets all agree that the first speed was better
  • What happened?

    By AWSOM!
    I liked it, but not as much as the first one. What happened to Keanu Reeves? And what about something better thought out? Ok, I put a bomb on this boat, I killed the captain, I'm taking your girlfriend hostage, I put leeches on myself. What happened to the term 'A REALLY GOOD MOVIE'?
  • If your not a Sandra fan don't bother.

    By unicornerd
    Lets just say Keanu had it right. But hey, if we didn't have this movie then we wouldn't have "Hope Floats" (I love that movie)
  • no....depending if....

    By stargazr101
    you saw the first movie then DON'T WATCH THIS ONE!!! it ruins the movies for you. it's just the same thing as the first movie, except that their on a boat and it's a different male lead. also, they never explain what happened between sarah and (blanking on his name right now). which always annoys me, especially when they do that in a sequel. if you HAVEN'T seen the first speed, then go right ahead and watch this. but ONLY if your NOT planning on ever seeing the first one. so basically, my advice....don't see this one at all. sure it has action and people getting killed and romance. but it's just the same exact thing as the first one except a different setting and a different male lead
  • Cruise Control?

    By Alex Razos
    Well, to be fair, we all know this was not the movie that the first one was. It did not get to the point, the action was not nail biting and Keanu Reeves certainly found the script too disappointing to appear in. But was the movie all THAT bad? No, i don't think so. Sandra Bullock agreed to reprise her role so that she could get enough finances to make her next movie (Hope Floats). She wasnt exactly huge back then so it felt like the right career move for her. Back to the movie. Jan de Bont returns as original director to the series, Mark Mancina also returns with a good score. Bullock still holds it together and delivers a so so movie, but not a bad one. I was too embarrassed to originally watch the movie, but when i finally did, i honestly thought it was okay. Perhaps worth a rent.

    By RPG123
    It would of been much better if Keanu was in it. It was good, but i don't like sequels with different MAIN characters. Make a speed 3 but put Keanu in it!
  • Speed 2: Cruise Control

    By Kehinde Folashade
    i love this movie.
  • How can it be Speed 2?

    By WolfCrystal
    First of all, Keanu Reeves isn't in this, so how can it be Speed 2? I might as well compare it to Pirates of the Carribean without Jack Sparrow. Seocnd, it seemed to me that Sandra Bollock's character Annie wouldn't have a new boyfriend, either. To me, that's a red flag even before the movie began. Third, I find it strange to go from a bus with a bomb planted by someone who was on the Bomb Squad(Speed), which was more realistic, to a ship that is set to crash into an oil tanker(Speed 2). It just seems like the movie is a fanfiction that wasn't even close to the original movie. I may just be too hard of a reviewer, but compared to Speed, this wasn't worth my time. Like joekinney said (see review: Why?!?!?!?!?!?)'they must have had some leftover film from the first Speed movie and some extra change'. My question is why make a sequal to a movie when said sequal is not even close to the original?
