Ocean's Thirteen

Ocean's Thirteen

By Steven Soderbergh

  • Genre: Action & Adventure
  • Release Date: 2007-06-08
  • Advisory Rating: PG-13
  • Runtime: 2h 2min
  • Director: Steven Soderbergh
  • Production Company: Warner Bros. Pictures
  • Production Country: United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 12.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 6,412 Ratings


It's bolder. Riskier. The most dazzling heist yet. George Clooney, Brad Pitt, Matt Damon and more re-team with director Steven Soderbergh for a split-second caper that stacks the deck with wit, style and cool. Danny Ocean again runs the game. The boys are out to break The Bank. Place your bets!



  • Cccv

    By mvgxf
    CvcxbjcsdgCfdcffg vaccinescCcgfgcffxgxcxn
  • +he L0ud H0u$e.

    By Jolovesgum
    Eye h@ve n0w $een +he en+!re 0ce@n'$ +r!l0gy. 0ce@n'$ 13 wuz @m@z!n'. Eye w@+ched 0ce@n'$ 13 0n Hulu l@$+ n!gh+ 0n $ep+ember 28, 2019. Eye w!ll w@+ch 0ce@n'$ 8 nex+ @+ $0me +!me.
  • Great Comeback

    By Faerie Tail
    After what was, imo, the disappointment that was Ocean’s12 I didn’t think O13 would be worth the watch. But it was. All the thrill and laughs of the first all over again :)
  • Good flick. But a comedy?

    By Icewarped
    So iTunes needs to allow personal customization of the genre field or pay closer attention. Oceans 11 and 12...action. Oceans 13...comedy. These movies are entertaining though.
  • Way better than the second one

    By hucklebaryfinn
    This movie has all the classic stunts the first one does. A great Heist thriller.
  • not worth it

    By Dannirock
    Boring compared to 11 and 12....
  • "Ocean's Thirteen"

    This is a GREAT ending for the Ocean trilogy!! This movie is great, because they make a greedy man loose everything he has :)
  • Excellent!

    By CSM9000
    By far, the greatest of the Ocean movies. Great plot, great bad guy, and great revenge!! I was extremely pleased with this one. A great movie to see every once in while!
  • Bad

    By 56kh
    Every thing is bad about this 3.9 gb :(
  • Much better then 12......................

    By Anonymus Source
    This movie is way better than Ocean's twelve. Acting: The acting is typical Ocean's. Clooney and Pitt are amazing in the lead roles BUT dont take anything away from Cheadle, Damon, etc. I liked the addition of Pacino and how they returned the whole cast. Story/plot I thought this was a very strong storyline. It still doesnt beat Oceans 11 BUT not many crime thrillers do. I liked how they bought back Vegas and Benidict. It was a little slow in the middle BUT once they entered the casino it was awesome. Overall: Continues on the path of Oceans 11 with a great movie and great cast. I recommend this movie to a fan of Oceans 11 OR 12 or a crime thriller!!! Check out 11 if u havent!! Thanks for reading!!!! ANONYMUS OUT!!!!
