Turbo: A Power Rangers Movie

Turbo: A Power Rangers Movie

By Shuki Levy & David Winning

  • Genre: Kids & Family
  • Release Date: 2003-09-02
  • Advisory Rating: PG
  • Runtime: 1h 39min
  • Director: Shuki Levy & David Winning
  • Production Company: Saban Entertainment
  • Production Country: United States of America, Japan
  • iTunes Price: USD 9.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 286 Ratings


The Mighty Morphin Power Rangers are doing battle with the other-worldly villainess Divatox (Hillary Shepherd). She is the wife of an evil lord named Maligore who is imprisoned in an energy vacuum inside one of Earth's volcanoes. Freeing him would mean doom for the universe. The five Rangers disguise themselves as ordinary teenagers, but their secret is discovered by ten-year-old Justin (Blake Foster), and he is allowed to don a power suit and become one of them. Zordon (Winston Richard), the Power Rangers' boss, gives his crew extra powers to thwart Divatox, who with her pirates has captured a submarine. The showdown between the forces of universal good and evil includes plenty of karate and kick-boxing around a seething cauldron of lava.



  • We definitely need the first movie please

    By Yugioh1993!
    I’ve been waiting for the first movie for so long so can you please bring the first movie 🎦 🎥 🍿 to iTunes Store please so I can see it and stop watching it on different networks please.
  • I love the Power Ranger Turbo Movie

    By J0HN L3NN0N
    Apple needs to change the release date from 2003 and change it to 1997 because this was released in 1997
  • Power rangers rock

    By Chris s 16
    I would love to see mighty morphin power rangers the movie on iTunes please
  • Jason david Frank 🕯️💐

    By somewhat mariah fan
    In this movie he was a Red ranger ❤️ but he started off as a Green Ranger💚(he’s the Original green Ranger) his character name was Tommy Oliver in The Original Power Rangers tv series ‘The Mighty Morphin Power Rangers’ but many episodes later he became the White Power Ranger (Original White Ranger) 🤍where he also continued to be the White Ranger in the original Power rangers movie ‘Mighty Morphin power Rangers: The Movie’ (Classic) he then continued to be a part of the power rangers series after that (Turbo, semerai, Zeo,DinoThunder, Wild force,super ninja steele) he played the Red Ranger (twice), and Black Ranger 🖤 even had a cameo in the 2017 move as a Angel Grove Citizen. (he did anything power Rangers related) even a vlog called ‘My morphin life’ (JDFFFN) *it’s a good series/blog*. he was very skilled in Mixed martial arts and a professional MMA fighter, Karate/Martial Arts businessman (Jason David Frank’s Rising Sun Karate Academy ‘RSKA’) and an awsome man and Actor. I am looking forward to the movie ‘Legend of the White Dragon’ release in 2023 (Characters: Eric Reed/White Dragon) sadly ‘Legend of the Whit Dragon’ is his last film😢 this movie also stars his real life daughter Jenna Frank who plays his daughter. 🕯️R.I.P. Jason, You are a legend/ Icon/Inspiration and very much loved and missed may your legacys always live on and may the power protect & be with you always 💔 (d.2022)
  • Jason david frank

    By Raycastillocrow13
    He just died today but I wished iTunes could have gotten that mighty morphin power rangers movie on here the one where they had to fight Ivan Ooze

    By Zachattttttack
    REST IN PEACE TOMMY 😭😭😭 you were my first childhood hero!
  • excellent movie but where is the 1995 Power Rangers movie

    By zombiemouseturtle
    this movie is great. But I really want to buy the first Power Rangers movie mighty Morphin Power Rangers 1995, please make it available to purchase!

    By Brett II
    Great film. All you need is the first film, Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie. Please get it.
  • Loved it!!!!

    By Johnny El-Hajj
    I really loved this film, but please also add the 1995 Mighty Morphin Power Rangers film! Please!!!!
  • We want the first movie!!!

    By Yck1126
    Apple, EVERYONE wants to see the first movie on iTunes!!!!
