Broadcast News

Broadcast News

By James L. Brooks

  • Genre: Drama
  • Release Date: 1987-12-16
  • Advisory Rating: R
  • Runtime: 2h 12min
  • Director: James L. Brooks
  • Production Company: Amercent Films
  • Production Country: United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 4.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 414 Ratings


In James L. Brooks' quirky, romantic comedy, three ambitious workaholics are set loose in a network TV newsroom where their professional and personal lives become hopelessly cross-wired. Tom (William Hurt) is the modern anchorman, smooth, handsome and a bit dumb. Jane (Holly Hunter) is his driven, brilliant producer, determined to turn Tom into a real newsman. And Aaron (Albert Brooks) is a seasoned, totally uncharismatic reporter who can't stand Tom's instant success on-camera or with Jane.



  • Brilliant β€” dead on

    By Cynical News Producer
    This movie is just so dead on. Brooks spent a lot of time in the CBS Washington bureau while he was writing it β€” IIRC he was dating someone there β€” and it shows. It’s scary how perfectly the movie captures TV news. The scary part - in the almost 20 years since they made the movie, things have only gotten more so.
  • Outstanding Insight

    By AussieRick
    This film is an outstanding insight into the behind the scenes occurrences of mainstream news organisations. Brilliant performances from William Hurt, Albert Brooks and Holly Hunter.
  • Boring

    By StoryDelver
    Starts out ok, but then goes on and on with very little happening.
  • My Favorite

    By SorrelMare
    Simply put: This is my all-time favorite movie.
  • definitely a classic

    By jacquelina101
    This is another great film from James L. Brooks ('Terms of Endearment', etc.), so you can't go wrong. Heart-breaking, hilarious, sophisticated, silly, dramatic, and genuine - everyone will find something to love about this film, and everyone I know who's seen it has their favorite line or scene. A classic!
  • What is this movie about?

    By J Q-tip
    I just finished watching this show and have no clue what the plot is. It confused the h*** out of me the entire time. I thought something interesting might happen amidst all the drama, but there was no resolution to it at all. I am still confused about the story line.
  • Just Classic!

    By House_Forever
    This movie was a sort of sleeper at the box office if I recall, but it ought to have been much more popular in its time. Ah well, history will note this indeed as one of the Top Ten films of all time, in at least my esteem, along with "As Good As It Gets," both flawless Brooks masterpieces. An overlooked director, but James Brooks is a pure film genius. My favorite lines: JANE: Hey, Aaron! I think you're the devil! AARON: You know I'm not! JANE: How do I know? AARON: Beacause I think we have the kind of relationship where if I were the devil, you'd be the only one I would tell. Just bloody perfect...
  • An Insightful Portrayal of the American Media

    By MacHipster
    A scathing look at the dumbing down of the American Media made during a time when it was transitioning from esteemed reporters such as Kronkite to the infotainment brand that replaced it.
  • Best James Brooks ever made...

    By PerKapita
    ...might be the best *movie* every made: the best comedy, for my money. So smart, so funny - all the performances are spot on. It's one of those films, one of those GodBlessIt rare films, with substance and laugh-out-loud humor (quotable lines in almost every scene); and one where every performance is each actor in his or her top form. James Brooks is The Genius of smart, funny, "real" films. They're touching - sometimes a smack, sometimes an arm around the shoulder ("Terms of Endearment", "As Good As It Gets", [the under-rated] "Spanglish") - thoughtful and so funny. Broadcast News is Brooks at his best.
