Down Periscope

Down Periscope

By David S. Ward

  • Genre: Comedy
  • Release Date: 2004-02-03
  • Advisory Rating: PG-13
  • Runtime: 1h 32min
  • Director: David S. Ward
  • Production Company: 20th Century Fox
  • Production Country: United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 9.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 2.99
From 465 Ratings


Kelsey Grammer stars as Lt. Commander Thomas Dodge, a free-thinking yet undeniably capable officer whose first command in the U.S. nuclear submarine corpse turns out to be a World War II-era diesel-powered rust bucket that hasn't seen active duty since Benny Goodman topped the song charts. Concerned about the threat of quiet diesel-powered submarines now being sold off to unreliable Third World countries by a cash-strapped Soviet Union, the Navy develops a war game to determine if Dodge's leaky Stingray can somehow tiptoe past the nuclear defenses along the American East Coast. Dodge is given a grab bag of greenhorns, malcontents and just plain idiots to pilot the old sub. Now Tom Dodge must not only contend with an ancient vessel, he must make sailors out of a motley crew.



  • Excellent

    By francois yann
    Ce film est magnifique drôle touchant et Kelsey Grammer joue à la perfection ce rôle de commandant atypique
  • love this

    By havs kd fjeib
    so good
  • Corpse?

    By Ivan Hutchinson
    Read your description of this movie, Apple. “Nuclear submarine corpse”? Yes, we know the movie died a horrible death, but this is a little over the top, don’t you think? 😳
  • Great Escapist Comedy

    By reverendlinux
    Down Periscope, unlike the ocean it’s set it, isn’t deep. There’s no complex subtext or allegory to the story or humor. It is what it is, a fun and funny movie. And that’s just fine. The plot is believable, the humor genuine, the slapstick not over played, the characters likeable and the cast genuinely seemed to have a good time making this film; their energy and enthusiasm shows in there performances. My only knock is that it’s completely formulaic. You know the crew are going to triumph in the end and the story doesn’t try very hard to make you think otherwise. But this is only a minor knock because, again, this isn’t a movie with a layered agenda. It’s just escapist, make you laugh fun. Is it kid friendly? While the humor skirts the line of crude at times, it doesn’t go overboard. And the crassness is only a small part of the overall comedic tone. Very little foul language, all rather PG in nature. Safe for 11-12 and up. You might want to screen it for younger folks.
  • Great movie

    By Rambo8649
    Love this movie. It’s no masterpiece, but for some reason I like it, and I can watch it over and over again.
  • I own this on DVD...

    By Iggy81206
    But I am very close to adding it to my iTunes library. While many can consider the humour offensive, I found it HILARIOUS! I literally bought this movie out of Walmart's $5 bin, having never seen it before. I'm not a fan of Kelsey Grammer, but dayum! He is perfect in this role! It very quickly rose to one of my top 10 comedies of all time! Bruce Dern, Rip Torn, and many others really make this movie a work of genious. I find this movie SO funny, that despite having it on DVD(from Walmart's $5 bin), I am more than williing to pay ANOTHER $9.99 to have it in my iTunes library, as soon as I have the funds available to do so! I just watched it again, for the Nth time, and am currently in tears at how funny this movie is. If you don't enjoy this movie for the comedy it is, either you are taking it too seriously, or you need to have a "funny bone" installed.
  • Down periscope

    By BPWilsonRN
    Hey dummies it's submarine corp not corpse. The movie is very funny with good ending. A movie I watch a lot.
  • Comedy Gold

    By bhaught
    This movie will keep you laughing
  • It is a Fun Movie

    By rfrmac
    First, I really like Kelsey Grammar. He did a good job in the movie. I liked the supporting cast. I don't know what Rotten Tomatoes was thinking but it is a light hearted, fun movie. I found myself laughing out loud and caring about the characters. My true rating for this movie would be 4.5.
  • A great military comedy

    By DisneyLover4Life
    Down Periscope is the only film im aware of that has comedy set up for the Navy. Kelsey Grammer (of Frasier fame) plays as an idiotic commander of an old WWII sub for War Games. Rob Schneider joins in a great supporting cast; and as far as military comedies go this is one of the tops. There's only 4 films that i consider tops (M*A*S*H*, Good Morning Vietnam, Down Periscope and Rennaisance Man) this is a film that requires the viewer to pay attention for the first time, but after that you seem to just know. So mateys are ye ready for a laugh at the Navy? then get to it!
