Clear and Present Danger

Clear and Present Danger

By Phillip Noyce

  • Genre: Thriller
  • Release Date: 1994-08-03
  • Advisory Rating: PG-13
  • Runtime: 2h 21min
  • Director: Phillip Noyce
  • Production Company: Paramount Pictures
  • Production Country: United States of America, Mexico
  • iTunes Price: USD 14.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 1,526 Ratings


This is the third film based on Tom Clancy's high-tech espionage potboilers starring CIA deputy director Jack Ryan. Harrison Ford, returning to the Ryan role after his first go-round in 1992's Patriot Games, is assigned to a delicate anti-drug investigation after a close friend of the President (a Reaganesque Donald Moffat) is murdered by a Colombian drug cartel. When Ryan discovers that the President's wealthy friend was in league with the cartel, the President's devious national security adviser (Harris Yulin) and an ambitious CIA deputy director (Henry Czerny) send a secret paramilitary force into Colombia to wipe out the drug lords. The force is captured and then abandoned by the President's lackeys. It falls to Ryan to enter Colombia and rescue them, aided only by a renegade operative named Clark (Willem Dafoe), with both his life and career on the line.



  • Good movie

    By HarleyBoy117
    It's a really good movie but the Reaganesque think is a stupid comparison by a liberal democrat. Stop trashing one of Americas greatest presidents, and compare the president in this movie to a guy like obama. He has no guts, terrible policies, and the general attitude that would make him a good characterization for the president in this book. Obama is exactly the kind of guy that would terminate an operation because the people complained about it. If you want proof Reagan was a better president than Obama will ever be? USS Ronald Reagan. I'm pretty sure Obama won't have the single most famous symbol of American military power named after him. He'll be lucky to get a PT boat.
  • Good Tom Clancy Movie

    By ticked-off LOTR fan
    This movie was pretty good. There were some drags and hiccups in the plot, but the ending was satisfying. The action was great, and so were Harrison Ford and William Dafoe. Not as good as Hunt For Red October but still a worthy successor. The president was not "Reagenesque", he was an arrogant self-centered jerk. Careful, iTunes!
  • Great movie!

    By BenTom33
    Great movie with some particularly great moments. Well acted by all. This is the kind of movie that can leave someone with a sense of patriotism that is left out of every day American society, unless you're in the military. And the whole thing about the President being "Reaganesque", maybe the write of the synopsis simply meant that this President, as well as Reagan, did what he had to do militarily, not that he has no integrity. Or maybe the writer just thought he physically resembles President Reagan. Either way, look at the possibility that there is not only one meaning behind that phrase, open your minds a little bit. Damn sensitive people.
  • Like others said, it is a good installment

    By Stbradle
    Yeah Apple, we all know you are liberal. Just keep the summaries to the facts and don't add your two cents please! Reganesque? You kidding me?!
  • Great Action/Thriller.

    By runDTC
    Harrison Ford is great. This movie has some great action and phenomenal ending. Love this movie.
  • Sit Back and Enjoy!

    By Travel'nman
    Vintage Harrison Ford, bringing everyman qualities to world changing roles. Rent it or buy it; just watch it. You won't be sorry. Action, interaction, and great characters makes this film one of those that you love to watch over and over. And, yes iTunes, please leave the liberal bias off of the summaries. The President in this movie was certainly no Ronald Reagan; just a sneaky, backroom dealing politician, not a man who loved America and freedom above all else.
  • Wars of convenience

    By Fnord
    What happens when a president, provoked by an attack on a friend or relative, starts a war - then finds that some of the evidence wasn't so solid, and needs to find a politically savvy way to avoid "surrender"? Readers of Tom Clancy's books have had a couple occasions to experience deja vu, right on the front pages of the news. It's disconcerting to see how quickly people can change their interpretation of events, based on what indefensible actions they need to defend. An "immenent national threat" becomes forgotten the moment it's no longer profitable to do anything about it, and it's on to the next politically handy crisis. The original book this movie is based on draws heavily on Clancy's excellent history of putting the reader (or viewer) "in the trenches" of a war - cold or hot. Harrison Ford doesn't quite have the swagger of Han Solo in this, but his determination and honesty seem much more mature and considered.
  • Great movie!

    By PirateEmery
    Still not sure how the President is considered "Reaganesque" thought. Try keeping your biases out of Plot Summaries, ok, iTunes?
  • above mediocre in the series

    By johnnyblue
    Not a bad movie for the series, but not the best. I don't know who writes the summaries for these, but they must be liberal democrats. The president (Daniel Moffat) is certainly not a "regeanisque" president, not even close. Reagan was a man of integrity, very much unlike this man.

    By JBuddie
    Thank you iTunes for putting this movie for rent AND TO BUY!!!!!!
