Black Snake Moan

Black Snake Moan

By Craig Brewer

  • Genre: Drama
  • Release Date: 2007-03-02
  • Advisory Rating: R
  • Runtime: 1h 55min
  • Director: Craig Brewer
  • Production Company: Paramount Vantage
  • Production Country: United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 14.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 876 Ratings


Lazarus (Samuel L. Jackson) is a hard-living ex-blues guitarist for whom the troubled days are beginning to outnumber the good. Rae (Christina Ricci) is a 22-year-old sex addict whose wild ways are finally about to catch up with her. When Lazarus discovers Rae covered in dust and clinging to life on the side of the road, he takes her in and nurses her back to health; but Lazarus isn't your typical caregiver, he's more concerned for Rae's immortal soul than he is for her physical well-being. Now, after chaining Rae down and employing the power of the Good Book to curb the salacious seductress' hedonistic ways, Lazarus will be forced to confront his own darkest demons in order to save the soul of a woman whose one-way ticket to hell has already been paid in full. Now, as Lazarus wages a righteous struggle to redeem the soul of the fallen Rae while simultaneously ensuring that his own life hasn't been lived in vain, the situation threatens to explode as Rae's possessive boyfriend, Ronnie (Justin Timberlake) — a roughneck Guardsman currently preparing for a tour of duty in Iraq — comes searching for his missing lover.



  • good movie

    By RCCARS69
    Reminds me allot of this Girl I know named Jenae Spriensma soon as i Deployed she spread everything to everyone .. lol
  • Fantastic

    By jiapryor
    It's a character study with two actors that you'd never imagine. Christina and Samuel are fantastic. And Justin Timberlake. I dug it. I'm still digging it. Everybody was fantastic.
  • Love it

    By Tragon
    ..if you're not from the south, you may not get the movie; I loved it!
  • Good, could have been amazing.

    By Miabdour
    Solid movie. Entertaining, amusing, shocking, puzzling, sweet…I went through all the emotional states as i watched it…you cringe a tad bit here and there…its gets hot in a couple of scenes…uncomfortable in others…fast forward through some of the mundane...And Justin and Christina are adorable together, in a damaged couple sense. I don't need to comment on Samuel L Jackson's acting because as always he is amazing. I rented it, and was fulfilled. I don't know if i would buy it though…it doesn't have that kind of hold. I don't think i'll remember it by next week. This criticism is based completely on my love for movies…i am not an expert. But i felt as if there was something missing. All the parts were there, the actors, the setting, the story but maybe its Craig Brewer? I couldn't help but wish that Tarantino had gotten a hold of this story, he would have turned it into gold. Its a unique storyline not executed to its full potential. But like i said, its good and worth one watch.
  • One of my favorites of all time.

    By Asarien
    This movie does magic with the caricature of the Dirty Souf. To top, a great soundtrack also makes this a fantastic Southern.
  • Black snake moan

    By Kjones
    Ugh I wanted to see this movie so bad
  • Black Snake Moan

    By Persephone1985
    I thought this film was really fresh and original. I felt like the characters were well developed and complex. Overall a great movie!
  • AMA 20 feb 2011

    By AMA Boateng
    People should stop the racist comments we have had enough of all you white people
  • Justin Timberlake<3

    By JTimberlake5
    Justin Timberlake was the only reason i watched this movie and it actually ended up being really good(: However, i think Justin Timberlake's character should have been in the movie more because personally i find Ricci and Jackson rather irritating...
  • Black Snake Moan!!!!

    By kRiStInA lOvEs tWiLiGhT!!!!!
    love it LOVE IT love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i love everything about this movie, a little sexed out at the end, but DEFINITELY worth my money!!!!!!!!!
