Top Secret!

Top Secret!

By Jim Abrahams, David Zucker & Jerry Zucker

  • Genre: Comedy
  • Release Date: 2002-07-16
  • Advisory Rating: PG
  • Runtime: 1h 30min
  • Director: Jim Abrahams, David Zucker & Jerry Zucker
  • Production Company: Paramount Pictures
  • Production Country: United Kingdom, United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 4.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 1,206 Ratings


The second of Zucker-Abraham-Zucker's theatrical-feature spoofs (Airplane was the first, discounting the patchwork Kentucky Fried Movie), Top Secret! lampoons practically every film genre. Specifically, however, this is a hybrid of an "Elvis" movie and a World War II "underground resistance" thriller. In his film debut, Val Kilmer plays Nick Rivers, a Presley-like American rock idol sent behind the Iron Curtain on a goodwill tour. Before long, he is involved in a complex espionage scheme thanks to beautiful Lucy Gutteridge, the daughter of a scientist (Michael Gough) held captive by the Communists. Also essential to the action is flamboyant resistance leader Christopher Villiers, who behaves like Victor Mature in Betrayed (1954) and talks like James Mason. Adhering to Z-A-Z's cheerful disregard for people, places and events, the East Germans are depicted as Nazis, while the Underground is comprised of Frenchmen. The plot is mainly an excuse for the Z-A-Z team's fondness for joke-a-minute lampoonery, skewering cinematic targets ranging from The Blue Lagoon (1980) to The Wizard of Oz (1939). As in Z-A-Z's other efforts, Top Secret! scores its biggest yocks when invoking cliches that we never realized were cliches-and falls on its face whenever attempting a too-obvious gag (the biggest clinker: that pigeon statue in the park). Everyone has his or her favorite bits in this film: our faves include the resistance fighter named Deja Vu ("Haven't we met somewhere before?"), Kilmer's horrible nightmare while being tortured (he arrives too late to take final exams), the army-booted cow, the sensitive Pinto, and the East German National Anthem, sung to the tune of the Shorewood (Wisconsin) High School marching song. But let's say no more: comedy of this nature is designed to be seen, not written or read about.



  • Hilariously funny, its a full ZAZ film in its own right!!

    By Lalo Chih
    I don't know why people downplay this movie as not as good as Airplane or Naked Gun, I simply loved it as much as those two great classics, since I saw it when I was in Junior High I laughed so much then and I still laugh now, I don't have a lot of references where I like the same things since I was a kid. There are some jokes that you need some timeframe references to get them like the Pinto, but since I knew it I couldn't stop laughing about it. If you like spoof movies you'll love this one, IMO it's one of the best.
  • somen na bahchin

    By Awe Heal
    saw this movie as a funny. so many hilarious, bizarre and memorable moments. i still say, "somen nah bahchen" and people look at me weird. if only they knew.
  • Top secret!

    By Zshoozsh
    It is such a awesome,random,movie! I meant random like with the tree moving @ the beginning!
  • I liked it more than Airplane

    By Norvag
    Airplane is the classic apparently, but I find Top Secret to be way more funny than Airplane or Top Gun! I just didn't find the gags as well crafted as in Top Secret. In Top Secret, in nearly every scene there's a joke, be it a subtle one that you'll only notice after rewatching the movie for the second time or one that slaps you in the face every time, it's just too funny. In Airplane, there's the big joke and cue to laugh, but I find the humor in Top Secret way more clever.
  • Beyond Laughs. Major gasping due to uncontrolled laughter

    By NekBbew
    I saw this movie later, (late 80's early 90's) while in high school. I had never watched anything this funny - nor have I seen anything this funny since. The humor is crass, immature and juvenile. Sometimes this type of humor is the best. I laughed so hard during some spots i had asthma attacks and had to crawl from the room because I was laughing so hard. Gasping from laughing too hard. I have not laughed that hard since. This film has been my favorite funny film for years and for anyone with 1/2 a brain - they too will get major laughs from all the skewered references. I love this film. Want to tinkle from laughing too hard? This is it. Keep the children away and have a great adults night recalling bad jokes, pigeons and flaming hogs balls. Oh and an "Intruder". It will take hours just to get that smile off of your face. :-)
  • top secrets better

    By Thjfcbo
    Top secret is way better than airplane my opinion is that airplane stinks!
  • It's cool

    By Eminem cool#*#*
    It's not really PG it's PG-13 for those idiots that can't watch PG-13 but it made me laugh at least 17 or 18 times there is action drama comedy and adventure it is extremely hilarious anthem : (favorite part of anthem) the guards will kill you if the electric fence dosent first
  • Extremely Funny

    By baquiano
    I saw this movie as a kid and couldn't stop laughing at the silliness of it all. If you're young or at least like laughing at mindless goofiness, this is the movie for you.
  • Amazing

    By SwagMoneyKami
    Wow, this was hillarious! Could Val BE any cuter? I think not. Plus, he did all his singing for the movie, so kudos to Val. This movie was incredibly funny, especially if you have knowledge of the 80's. My favorite scene? I'd say Nick's concert, because it's just hillarious. Girls actually scream like that for the JoBros, but if you ask me, I'd take Val over them any day! This was a great movie, you should definately buy it.
  • Didn't meet expectations

    By Looky 290
    Its a really good movie but it didn't meet expectations. There were no jokes that forced me to laugh. There has to be one or two of those in a comedy.
