The Arrival

The Arrival

By David Twohy

  • Genre: Sci-Fi & Fantasy
  • Release Date: 1996-05-31
  • Advisory Rating: PG-13
  • Runtime: 1h 55min
  • Director: David Twohy
  • Production Company: Live Entertainment
  • Production Country: Mexico, United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 5.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 744 Ratings


Radio astronomer Zane Zaminsky (Charlie Sheen) believes he's picked up a cosmic noise that signals extraterrestrial intelligence. His desperate search for answers leads him to Mexico and a mysterious power plant, where he is arrested for the murder of a scientist. Zane must escape with his proof of the world-shattering alien invasion in this intense sci-fi thriller.



  • pretty darn good

    By nocrickets
    The Arrival is a small, smart, unpretentious sci-fi movie. It's a traditional here come the aliens story on the surface, but with nice twists. I liked the way they kept the special effects to a minimum at first, and once they do start hitting you with them they're not bad for what was obviously a small-budget film. You know it must be good because you actually believe Charlie Sheen is an astronomer in it. He gets strong support from the vet Ron Silver and a few others. Unfortunately Lindsay Crouse is in it too, and she's as wooden and amateurish as always, but at least it's not a huge role. Not a great movie but a pretty good, credible and entertaining one if you like sci-fi.
  • I still check for scorpians...

    By Bang Bangsart
    I first saw this movie when it was released(1996) and now I still check for scorpians as a bedtime ritual. This is a very good suspenseful Sci-fi movie!

    By mozaicman60622
    watch it twice and dont think twice
  • Terrible... just terrible

    By maverick&knightrider
    The one and only good thing I found while watching this horrible film was that when my friends and I weren't questioning why we were wasting our time watching this garbage, we were laughing hysterically at the pure chaos that a movie becomes when they combine terrible writing, bad acting, and graphics that would make Spielberg cry in agony. All that being said, it is very comical how bad it is and my roommates and I still judge bad movies by saying "well it wasn't as bad as that Charlie Sheen alien movie", and we watched it about 3 years ago. If you don't believe me please rent it and share in the joy this awful flick has brought me. Also didn't know they made a SEQUEL.... iTunes please get on that because I'd love to see how bad that one is.
  • The Arrrival

    By keto3000
    Really enjoyed this movie! iTunes should carry the sequel, Arrival 2. It was also very good!!
  • Awful writing.

    By Nicholas.M.Carlson
    Only good if you like Sci-Fi camp
  • Worst...Movie...Ever

    By Chocks
    I rented this movie expecting a fun scifi alien thriller. I'm also a Charlie Sheen Fan.. Boy was I disappointed!! I really don't have anything good to say about this turkey. Spend your money renting a different movie - this one is awful.
  • Really, really, really bad

    By Ben Galbraith
    Sure, it *looks* like it would be a campy sci-fi B-movie from all appearances, but the other three glowing reviews reminded me never to judge a book by its cover. Make that almost never. This is in fact a campy sci-fi B-movie. Minus any charm that might redeem it. Minus any other form of entertainment. It's just... really really bad.
  • will keep you entertained

    By The 0wl
    Good show!
  • Very well done!

    By Keith M.
    This is one of my favorite sci-fi movies. Charlie Sheen gives a fabulous performance as a very cool guy with a little bit of nerd in him. The movie has a believable plot and a lot of suspense. This is the little-known sci-fi movie to watch!
