The Princess Bride

The Princess Bride

By Rob Reiner

  • Genre: Sci-Fi & Fantasy
  • Release Date: 1987-09-25
  • Advisory Rating: PG
  • Runtime: 1h 38min
  • Director: Rob Reiner
  • Production Company: The Princess Bride Ltd.
  • Production Country: United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 14.99
From 4,642 Ratings


Return to a time when men were men and swamps were swamps. Fire swamps, that is. Full of quicksand and Rodents of Unusual Size. Lagoons were inhabited by shrieking eels. And the most beautiful woman in the world was named…Buttercup? Well, it's a bent fairy tale. Complete with all the fencing, fighting, chases, escapes, and silly accents you'd expect. Plus one of two things only Rob Reiner (director of "Misery", "When Harry Met Sally...") could dream up. Like Inigo Montoya, who has dreamt his whole life of finding the six finger man who killed his father. Blonde Buttercup loves Westley, a poor stable boy. But when he's captured by pirates, she's chosen by evil Prince Humperdinck to be his princess bride. Along the way, she gets kidnapped, he gets killed. But it all ends up okay.



  • Amazing Moive

    By Violetisintothisgame
    Personally, I grew up on this movie. It has really everything and it’s a good family movie! This is probably my favorite all time movie.
  • Amazing movie that’s stood the test of time

    By Oliver-1987-
    This is one of the great movies of all time. You could travel the world and be able to say a quote from this film and does not matter where you are someone will recognize it of any age.
  • Great Movie

    By 527384848
    Absolutely Great
  • Great movie! Entrainment for ALL ages!

    By Loves lists & organizing stuff
    After seeing this movie when it was originally released on the big screen with my Mom, when I was in my teens (I am not going to tell you how old I am! 📽 📺 📼 LOL!) and then going back to watch it AGAIN with my Dad and younger sister. Of course, like the rest of the world it became a family favorite! Since then I have watched it at least fifty times and it’s many enduring lines since the very first viewing have been incorporated into our day to day conversations and “movie trivia” fun throughout our lives since. Anyone who has not seen it should! Anyone who does not like it has no sense of humor or is probably someone who should be avoided. 🦨 👽🧐LOL! Anyone who loves it is probably pretty normal! 😁 Now days this would probably be rated G! It’s terrible that so much of the TV and movies available are not worth watching IMO. We just found the “Blood Treasure” TV series and WE LOVE IT! It’s like The Princess Bride, National Treasure, Uncharted, Goonies, etc. all rolled into one! Without any blood guts magic or actual sex, though it is sexy. 😂 Wish there were more like it and The Princess Bride, National Treasure, Uncharted, Goonies, etc.
  • One of the best

    By B-House
    Easily five stars pushing six. One of the all time classics.
  • A beautiful and (perfect) heart rendering classic!

    By MetroTab/EMan
    This classic is for all ages and helps to ignite the romance and imagination in all of us. It reminds us of what it is to be a man, woman, noble, integrity and hero!
  • Give us the gate key

    By broodingboy
    I have no gate key. Fezzik, tear his arms off. Oh you mean this gate key!
  • Great

    By Boardz20
    My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die. Hahahahaha 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😆😆😆😆 I love this movie especially Inigo Montoya. “Inconceivable!!!!”
  • Film still puts me to sleep

    By Wodehousesmodehouse
    Better than Ambien!
  • Half my quotes come from this movie

    By fire$tar745
    Hilarious, that’s all I have to say
