

By Edward Zwick

  • Genre: Drama
  • Release Date: 1989-12-15
  • Advisory Rating: R
  • Runtime: 2h 2min
  • Director: Edward Zwick
  • Production Company: Freddie Fields Productions
  • Production Country: United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 4.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 1,647 Ratings


The heart-stopping story of the first black regiment to fight for the North in the Civil War, Glory stars Matthew Broderick, Denzel Washington, Cary Elwes and Morgan Freeman. Broderick and Elwes are the idealistic young Bostonians who lead the regiment; Freeman is the inspirational sergeant who unites the troops; and Denzel Washington, in an Oscar® - winning performance (1989, Best Supporting Actor), is the runaway slave who embodies the indomitable spirit of the 54th Regiment of Massachusetts.



  • Please make the soundtrack available

    By Need more Mantracker
    The movie is excellent. The soundtrack is almost as good. Will you please make the available for purchase?
  • So Good

    By Tuuvok666
    This movie made me cry🥺
  • Give Em Hell 54!!!

    By JordyTowers
    One of the greatest movies of all time. PERIOD
  • Glad to see this movie again

    By mac lion guy
    Never forgot about this since I first saw it in the 90s, it almost felt like I was there. Makes you appreciate how far we come, demonstrates bravery, courage and leadership. Makes you want to help our fellow brothers today. Never forget.
  • Excellent movies

    By Darth_Morgoth
    One of my favorite historical movies. I hope iTunes releases the soundtrack soon in celebration of this movie’s 30th anniversary.
  • grim and thoughful

    By movie buff redux
    this is a fine film. The pace and depth of the characters make this film watchable and noteworthy. Excellent cinimatography,excellent restaging of battles and a stellar cast make this one for the top of the list.
  • This is the best movie ever made

    By J4Studios
    This is the best movie ever made. That is all.
  • Good movie despite Broderick's wooden performance.

    By Mikey Tavarez
    A Good movie for the most part, despite Matthew Broderick being miscast as Col. Shaw. Mr. Broderick's performance in this comes across as wooden and uninspiring to me. That also goes for some of the other actors playing the white officers. But the African American actors in their roles do shine and make this film a worth while must see. The final battle on Ft. Wagner is very well presented even if it's not entirely historically acurate. The mass grave burial scene at the end is still something i think about, with that haunting chorus music, so well made. A very Good flick.
  • Where is the soundtrack? Like to purchase it but not album only

    By Steeltman
    ????? Been coming back here looking for it
  • Exquisite

    By Rambo8649
    This movie is exquisite, perfect in every way.
