

By Gillo Pontecorvo

  • Genre: Drama
  • Release Date: 1970-10-21
  • Advisory Rating: R
  • Runtime: 1h 52min
  • Director: Gillo Pontecorvo
  • Production Company: PEA
  • Production Country: Italy
  • iTunes Price: USD 14.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 119 Ratings


A Caribbean island in the mid-1800's. Nature has made it a paradise; man has made it a hell. Slaves on vast Portuguese sugar plantations are ready to turn their misery into rebellion - and the British are ready to provide the spark. They send agent William Walker (Marlon Brando) on a devious three-part mission: trick the slaves into revolt, grab the sugar trade for England... then return the slaves to servitude.



  • When I Can BUy It, I'll Rate It

    By DavGreg
    When will Sony and others stop restricting some movies to rental only?
  • Great Film

    By Mussle
    I saw this years ago and liked it a lot. I see no reason to ignore the politics. They seemed fine to me.
  • Brando's Finest Film

    By Tucson Sammy
    Possibly Brando's best role. More mature than Streetcar, yet not over the hill as in The Godfather. The film itself is long, but only because a few of the scenes are excruciatingly long - I assume for dramatic effect. It appears to be an anti-Vietnam war film made by Italian communists (the Brando character is named "William Walker", and he is sent to Indochina). Imagine a film that is part spaghetti-western, part action adventure, part political intrigue, with an anti-American theme, that takes place in 1860's Carribean. There are two main characters (one of whom is Brando) who are both deep and well acted. Some of the scenes are truely moving. If you like Italian films, and can ignore the politics (not too hard), then you must see this.
